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strict\";\n/* jshint ignore:start */\n\n/* jshint ignore:end */\n","define('life-light-web/adapters/application', ['exports', 'ember-web-api/adapters/web-api', 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/data-adapter-mixin', 'life-light-web/config/environment'], function (exports, _emberWebApiAdaptersWebApi, _emberSimpleAuthMixinsDataAdapterMixin, _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment) {\n exports['default'] = _emberWebApiAdaptersWebApi['default'].extend(_emberSimpleAuthMixinsDataAdapterMixin['default'], {\n host: _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment['default'].APP.API_HOST,\n plurals: { \"category\": \"categories\" },\n authorizer: 'authorizer:application',\n shouldReloadAll: function shouldReloadAll() /*store, snapshot*/{\n return true;\n }\n });\n});","define('life-light-web/app', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember/resolver', 'ember/load-initializers', 'life-light-web/config/environment'], function (exports, _ember, _emberResolver, _emberLoadInitializers, _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment) {\n\n var App;\n\n _ember['default'].MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS = true;\n\n App = _ember['default'].Application.extend({\n modulePrefix: _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment['default'].modulePrefix,\n podModulePrefix: _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment['default'].podModulePrefix,\n Resolver: _emberResolver['default']\n });\n\n (0, _emberLoadInitializers['default'])(App, _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment['default'].modulePrefix);\n\n exports['default'] = App;\n});","define('life-light-web/authenticators/torii', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-simple-auth/authenticators/torii'], function (exports, _ember, _emberSimpleAuthAuthenticatorsTorii) {\n\texports['default'] = _emberSimpleAuthAuthenticatorsTorii['default'].extend({\n\t\ttorii: _ember['default'].inject.service()\n\t});\n});","define('life-light-web/authorizers/application', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-simple-auth/authorizers/base'], function (exports, _ember, _emberSimpleAuthAuthorizersBase) {\n exports['default'] = _emberSimpleAuthAuthorizersBase['default'].extend({\n name: 'authorization',\n before: 'ember-simple-auth',\n // implement heyar!\n authorize: function authorize(jqXHR /*, requestOptions*/) {\n if (this.get('session.isAuthenticated') && !_ember['default'].isEmpty(this.get('session.token'))) {\n jqXHR.setRequestHeader('token', this.get('session.token'));\n }\n },\n\n initialize: function initialize(container) {\n container.register('authorizer:custom', this);\n }\n });\n\n // var CustomAuthorizer = Base.extend({\n // // implement heyar!\n // authorize: function(jqXHR /*, requestOptions*/) {\n // if (this.get('session.isAuthenticated') && !Ember.isEmpty(this.get('session.token'))) {\n // jqXHR.setRequestHeader('token', this.get('session.token'));\n // }\n // }\n // });\n\n // export var initialize = function(container) {\n // container.register('authorizer:custom', CustomAuthorizer);\n // };\n\n // export default {\n // name: 'authorization',\n // before: 'ember-simple-auth',\n // initialize: initialize\n // };\n});","define(\"life-light-web/components/action-anchor\", [\"exports\", \"ember\"], function (exports, _ember) {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _ember[\"default\"].Component.extend(_ember[\"default\"].ViewTargetActionSupport, {\n\t\ttagName: \"a\",\n\t\tattributeBindings: [\"href\", \"download\"],\n\t\t// actions: {\n\t\tclick: function click() /*event*/{\n\t\t\tvar actionMethod = this.get(\"onAction\");\n\t\t\tif (actionMethod) {\n\t\t\t\tactionMethod(this.get(\"key\"));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tthis.triggerAction();\n\t\t}\n\t\t// }\n\t});\n});","define('life-light-web/components/app-version', ['exports', 'ember-cli-app-version/components/app-version', 'life-light-web/config/environment'], function (exports, _emberCliAppVersionComponentsAppVersion, _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment) {\n var _config$APP = _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment['default'].APP;\n var name = _config$APP.name;\n var version = _config$APP.version;\n exports['default'] = _emberCliAppVersionComponentsAppVersion['default'].extend({\n version: version,\n name: name\n });\n});","define('life-light-web/components/application-view', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-resize/mixins/resize-aware', 'life-light-web/mixins/scrolling'], function (exports, _ember, _emberResizeMixinsResizeAware, _lifeLightWebMixinsScrolling) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Component.extend(_emberResizeMixinsResizeAware['default'], _lifeLightWebMixinsScrolling['default'], {\n initialize: (function () {\n var self = this;\n self.trigger(\"debouncedDidResize\", 0, 0, null);\n\n var scrollingOptions = { context: self, name: \"lifelight\", debounce: 10 };\n self.bindScrolling(scrollingOptions);\n\n CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add(\"llc_styles\", [\n // Block level\n { name: \"Skill paragraph\", element: \"p\", attributes: { \"class\": \"skill\" } }, { name: \"Rosie pull quote\", element: \"p\", attributes: { \"class\": \"rc-pull-quote\" } }]);\n\n self.$(\"#modal1\").on(\"shown.bs.modal\", function () {\n self.get(\"onOpenOptionsModal\")();\n });\n\n self.get(\"readjustFooter\")(self);\n // self.$(\"#wrap\").css(\"min-height\", self.$(window).height() - self.$(\".footer-container\").height() - 50);\n }).on(\"didInsertElement\"),\n\n didInsertElement: function didInsertElement() {\n $('.navbar-nav.nav-topbar').on('click', 'li a', function () {\n $('.navbar-collapse-top').collapse('hide');\n });\n\n $('#payment_modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function (e) {\n $('#paymentAmount', this).focus();\n });\n },\n\n willRemoveElement: function willRemoveElement() {\n this.unbindScrolling(\"lifelight\");\n },\n\n deviceSize: \"\",\n classNameBindings: [\"deviceSize\"],\n\n didResize: function didResize() /*width, height, evt*/{\n if (this.$(\".search-graph:visible\")) {\n this.$(\".search-graph\").hide();\n }\n },\n\n debouncedDidResize: function debouncedDidResize(width, height /*, event*/) {\n var self = this;\n // console.log(`Debounced Resize! ${width}x${height}`);\n\n this.get(\"adjustSidebarNavigation\")(self);\n\n var deviceSize = \"nothing\";\n if (self.$(\".device-lg:visible\").length) {\n deviceSize = \"device-lg\";\n } else if (self.$(\".device-md:visible\").length) {\n deviceSize = \"device-md\";\n } else if (self.$(\".device-sm:visible\").length) {\n deviceSize = \"device-sm\";\n } else if (self.$(\".device-xs:visible\").length) {\n deviceSize = \"device-xs\";\n }\n\n //** ECMA6 $(\"body.ember-application\").removeClass(\"w-device-lg w-device-md w-device-sm w-device-xs\").addClass(\"w-%@\".fmt(deviceSize));\n self.$().closest(\"body.ember-application\").removeClass(\"w-device-lg w-device-md w-device-sm w-device-xs\").addClass(\"w-\" + deviceSize);\n\n self.$(\".search-graph\").hide();\n\n self.get(\"readjustFooter\")(self);\n },\n\n scrolled: function scrolled() {\n this.get(\"adjustSidebarNavigation\")(this);\n // this.get(\"toggleBackToTop\")(this);\n },\n\n adjustSidebarNavigation: function adjustSidebarNavigation(context) {\n var top = context.$(window).scrollTop();\n\n var wh = context.$(window).height();\n var nh = context.$(\"ul.nav-sidebar.navbar-collapse\").height();\n\n var isFixed = wh > nh + 108 + 20 + 30;\n context.$(\".navbar-header.navbar-desktop img, ul.nav-sidebar.navbar-collapse\").toggleClass(\"nav-fixed\", isFixed);\n\n var opacity = top > 108 ? 0 : (108.0 - top) / 108;\n context.$(\".navbar-header.navbar-desktop img:nth-child(1)\").css(\"opacity\", opacity);\n context.$(\".navbar-header.navbar-desktop img:nth-child(2)\").css(\"opacity\", 1.0 - opacity);\n },\n\n toggleBackToTop: function toggleBackToTop(context) {\n // var window = context.$(window);\n var top = context.$().closest('body').scrollTop();\n context.$('li.back-to-top').toggle(top > window.innerHeight);\n\n // Ember.Logger.info(\"Top: %@ - Window height: %@\".fmt(top, $(window).height()));\n _ember['default'].Logger.info('Top: ' + top + ' - Window height: ' + window.innerHeight);\n },\n\n readjustFooter: function readjustFooter(context) {\n context.$(\"#wrap\").css(\"min-height\", context.$(window).height() - context.$(\".footer-container\").height() - 50 - 5);\n // Ember.Logger.info(\"Window: \" + context.$(window).height());\n },\n\n positionSearchGraph: function positionSearchGraph(context) {\n var searchGraph$ = context.$(\".search-graph\");\n if (searchGraph$.length) {\n var searchGraphParent$ = searchGraph$.parent();\n var right = searchGraphParent$.offset().left + parseInt(searchGraphParent$.css(\"width\")) - 10;\n searchGraph$.css({ left: right, top: \"148px\" }).show();\n }\n }\n });\n});","define(\"life-light-web/components/article-categories-menu\", [\"exports\", \"ember\"], function (exports, _ember) {\n exports[\"default\"] = _ember[\"default\"].Component.extend({\n tagName: \"nav\",\n // classNames: [\"navbar navbar-default navbar-articles visible-md visible-lg\"],\n classNames: [\"navbar navbar-default navbar-articles\"],\n // classNameBindings: [\"hasCategories::hide\"],\n attributeBindings: [\"role\"],\n role: \"navigation\",\n /* tagName: \"ul\",\n classNames: [\"nav navbar-nav\"],\n */\n articles: [],\n\n isVisible: (function () {\n var categories = this.get(\"categories\");\n return categories ? categories.length > 0 : false;\n }).property(\"categories\"),\n\n categoriesChanged: (function () {\n this.get(\"onCategoriesChanged\")(this.get(\"categories.length\"));\n }).observes(\"categories\"),\n\n categories_array: (function () {\n var articles = this.get(\"articles\");\n\n if (!!!articles) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var categories = articles.mapBy(\"categories\").compact();\n categories = [].concat.apply([], categories);\n categories = categories.uniq();\n\n var cc = categories.map(function (category) {\n var articlesInCategory = articles.filter(function (article) {\n var categories = article.get(\"categories\");\n return categories ? categories.contains(category) : null;\n }).map(function (article) {\n return {\n \"title\": article.get(\"title\"),\n \"key\": article.get(\"id\")\n };\n });\n return {\n \"title\": category,\n \"articles\": articlesInCategory\n };\n });\n\n return cc;\n }).property(\"articles\"),\n\n categories: (function () {\n var articles = this.get(\"articles\");\n\n if (!!!articles) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var categories = articles.map(function (item) {\n var categories = item.get(\"categories\");\n return categories ? categories.split(\",\") : [];\n }).compact();\n categories = [].concat.apply([], categories);\n categories = categories.uniq().sort();\n\n var cc = categories.map(function (category) {\n var articlesInCategory = articles.filter(function (article) {\n var categories = article.get(\"categories\");\n categories = categories ? categories.split(\",\") : [];\n return categories ? categories.contains(category) : null;\n }).map(function (article) {\n return {\n \"title\": article.get(\"title\"),\n \"key\": article.get(\"id\")\n };\n });\n return {\n \"title\": category,\n \"articles\": articlesInCategory\n };\n });\n\n var orphans = articles.filter(function (article) {\n return _ember[\"default\"].isEmpty(article.get(\"categories\"));\n }).map(function (article) {\n return {\n \"title\": article.get(\"title\"),\n \"key\": article.get(\"id\")\n };\n });\n\n if (this.get(\"isAdmin\") && orphans.length) {\n cc.pushObject({\n \"title\": \"Other\",\n \"articles\": orphans\n });\n }\n\n return cc;\n }).property(\"articles\")\n });\n});","define('life-light-web/components/article-editor', ['exports', 'ember', 'moment'], function (exports, _ember, _moment) {\n\texports['default'] = _ember['default'].Component.extend({\n\t\tarticleTypes: [{ text: \"Periodicals\", value: \"shopperNews\" }, { text: \"Other\", value: \"other\" }],\n\t\tarticleSubTypes: [{ text: \"Shopper News\", value: \"shopperNews\" }, { text: \"Sentinel\", value: \"sentinel\" }],\n\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\tonSubmit: function onSubmit() {\n\t\t\t\tvar self = this;\n\t\t\t\tthis.set(\"model.body\", CKEDITOR.instances.articleBody.getData());\n\t\t\t\tthis.set(\"model.publishDate\", (0, _moment['default'])(new Date(this.get(\"formatted_publish_date\"))).toDate());\n\t\t\t\tvar formatted_activation_date = this.get(\"formatted_activation_date\");\n\t\t\t\tthis.set(\"model.activationDate\", formatted_activation_date ? (0, _moment['default'])(new Date(formatted_activation_date)).toDate() : new Date());\n\t\t\t\tthis.set(\"model.categories\", this.get(\"categories\").filterBy(\"checked\").mapBy(\"name\"));\n\t\t\t\tif (!!!this.get(\"model.articleId\")) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.set(\"model.articleId\", this.get(\"suggestedArticleId\"));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tself.get(\"model\").save().then(function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.get(\"onSubmit\")();\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tcancel: function cancel() {\n\t\t\t\tthis.get(\"onCancel\")();\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchangeType: function changeType() {\n\t\t\t\tthis.get(\"onChangeType\")(this.$(\"#articleType\").val());\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchangeSubType: function changeSubType() {\n\t\t\t\tthis.get(\"onChangeSubType\")(this.$(\"#articleSubType\").val());\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\taddNewTag: function addNewTag() {\n\t\t\t\tthis.get(\"addNewTag\")(this.get(\"newTagName\"));\n\t\t\t},\n\n\t\t\ttagChecked: function tagChecked(id /*, value*/) {\n\t\t\t\t_ember['default'].Logger.info(\"Tag checked\");\n\t\t\t\tvar tag = this.get(\"model.tags\").findBy(\"id\", id);\n\n\t\t\t\tif (tag) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.get(\"model.tags\").removeObject(tag);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\ttag = this.get(\"tagList\").findBy(\"id\", id);\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.get(\"model.tags\").pushObject(tag);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tclassNames: [\"container-edit\"],\n\n\t\tareTagsDirty: (function () {\n\t\t\tvar originalTags = this.get(\"originalTags\");\n\t\t\tvar checkTags = this.get(\"model.tags\").mapBy(\"id\");\n\t\t\tvar isSame = _ember['default'].$(originalTags).not(checkTags).length === 0 && _ember['default'].$(checkTags).not(originalTags).length === 0;\n\n\t\t\treturn !isSame;\n\t\t}).property(\"model.tags\", \"model.tags.[]\"),\n\n\t\tisClean: (function () {\n\t\t\treturn !this.get(\"model.hasDirtyAttributes\") && !this.get(\"areTagsDirty\");\n\t\t}).property(\"model.hasDirtyAttributes\", \"model.tags.hasDirtyAttributes\"),\n\n\t\tformatted_publish_date: (function () {\n\t\t\treturn (0, _moment['default'])(this.get(\"model.publishDate\")).format(\"LL\");\n\t\t}).property(\"model.publishDate\"),\n\n\t\tformatted_activation_date: (function () {\n\t\t\tvar date = this.get(\"model.activationDate\");\n\t\t\treturn date ? (0, _moment['default'])(date).format(\"LL\") : null;\n\t\t}).property(\"model.activationDate\"),\n\n\t\tcategoriesObserver: (function () {\n\t\t\tthis.get(\"onCategoryChecked\")(this.get(\"categories\").filterBy(\"checked\").mapBy(\"name\"));\n\t\t}).observes(\"categories.@each.checked\"),\n\n\t\tcheckedTagListObserver: (function () {\n\t\t\tvar newTagName = this.get(\"newTagName\");\n\n\t\t\tif (newTagName) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.set(\"newTagName\", undefined);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}).observes(\"checkedTagList.[]\"),\n\n\t\tsuggestedArticleId: (function () {\n\t\t\tvar id = \"Article ID\";\n\t\t\tvar subType = this.get(\"model.subType\");\n\t\t\tvar date = this.get(\"model.publishDate\");\n\n\t\t\tif (subType === \"shopperNews\") {\n\t\t\t\tid = (0, _moment['default'])(date).format(\"MMMYY\").toLowerCase();\n\t\t\t} else if (subType === \"sentinel\") {\n\t\t\t\tid = \"sentinel\" + (0, _moment['default'])(date).format(\"YYYYMMDD\");\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\treturn id;\n\t\t}).property(\"model.publishDate\", \"model.subType\"),\n\n\t\tuseCustomFooterObserver: (function () {\n\t\t\tCKEDITOR.instances['customFooter'].setReadOnly(!this.get(\"model.useCustomFooter\"));\n\t\t\t// if (this.get(\"useCustomFooter\")) {\n\t\t\t// \tEmber.run.later(function() {\n\t\t\t// \t\tif(CKEDITOR.instances.customFooter) {\n\t\t\t// \t\t\tCKEDITOR.instances.customFooter.destroy();\n\t\t\t// \t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// \t\t\tCKEDITOR.replace(\"customFooter\").on('change', function(e) {\n\t\t\t// \t\t\t\t// if (!$('#customFooter').focus()) {\n\t\t\t// \t\t\t\t\tvar thisHTML = e.editor.getData();\n\t\t\t// \t\t\t\t // Convert HTML to text\n\t\t\t// \t\t\t\t // var tempDiv = $('
So many of us struggle with chronic pain and illness and believe it is just part of our body deteriorating and growing old. Ageing does have its challenges, but often these chronic conditions stem from a prior injury. Something happens that causes an imbalance in your body, perhaps to your skeletal system or one of your organs, and this leads later to a chronic condition. Issues may not seem related, but often they are, as every aspect of your body relates to every other aspect of your body. These conditions are interwoven with the events of your life and hold energy, trauma and a story.
It may help to know that you have choices and personal resources when you are struggling to maintain or reclaim your health. One of the first things to remember is ‘You are a Divine Being’. You are spirit in a body. In knowing this, you should know, illness may come to your physical body, but not touch your spirit. As this awareness settles into your core, you should also know; when you connect with the Divine within you, you can use this energy to help heal your body. You can call on the resources of Divine Spirit to revive and heal your physical problems.
Your body holds innate knowledge of what is out of balance and what to do to restore it. It also wants to heal. Your body might even have a plan already in the works. Our bodies communicate with us in subtle ways. They tell the story of traumatic experiences through the illnesses that develop as a result. As we learn to pay attention to this dialog and our body is able to communicate with us, the reason for the illness often dissipates. It is at this point that spiritual healing dissolves the illness.
Dedicate yourself to knowing your body. Learn what balance and imbalance feels like. Feel your life’s energy move through your system noticing where it is blocked and not flowing. Let your body communicate with you, telling its stories that unravel the history of your trauma. Come to understand your imbalance from a learning perspective, one that acknowledges your experiences and the sublimation of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain. Grow into the awareness that you are more than just the physical. This part if very important because there are gems of knowledge locked up in the stories of your illness; wisdom that is signaling you, waiting to be acknowledged.
Here is a practice that is often helpful to relieve pain, inflammation, and chronic conditions. Rest in a comfortable position and begin by acknowledging you are a Spiritual Being. Place the palms of your hands on an area of your body that holds an energy blockage, pain or illness. Ask that Divine Spirit work through you and allow the energy of the Divine to move through you, through the palms of your hands, and into your body. You may see particular colors or patterns of light or images. You may feel peaceful or have a sense of release. Whatever sensations you may have, know that you have connected with Divine energy and created a new relationship with your illness. Remember, that with this energy also comes grace and hope. Know this energy as a Divine healing force which can work for you at any time you should ask. This is an inexhaustible resource available to you in the palm of your hand.
Think of this practice as similar to an orchestra tuning up before a concert. The conductor moves from one instrument to another, one section to another until there is harmony throughout. You will also need to visit each organ, each limb, blood flow, and so on until you are communicating with all the parts. You do this to determine where your blockages are. Start with your area of pain or difficulty, yes, but don’t forget the rest.
With the practice of ‘healing with spirit,’ you may find that there are optimal times for treatment, in the morning or before sleep or both. Being in less pain throughout your day can slow the progress of your condition, and as well, your body always heals best when you are asleep. Some people use this practice whenever they have pain or distress. Your body will respond to the practice with reduced symptoms, repetition of the practice can dissolve the underlying reasons for your illness and you may be able to release the illness entirely. Be patient with yourself and remember that you didn’t get sick overnight, honor the inner dialog, understand the story of your illness and give yourself time to unravel the mystery and heal.
Rose Carey is the founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25+ years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more.
', synopsis: '[title]—a “how to” essential skill and empowerment for everyone!I’m looking forward to spending a day at the beach, in fact tomorrow. More than the waves and sand, it is deeply restorative and reconnects me to the divine energy of life. There is something about a day at the beach that imprints you for the better. The primal rhythms of the waves reset your internal balance.
Your energy body responds to these primal rhythms. Perhaps you have experienced being in the ocean for an hour or more and when you emerge you have the sensation that your body is still moving with the waves of the ocean. This sensation is heightened if you lay still on the sand. You will for some time feel the sensation of the ocean waves moving within you. The ocean waves have imprinted your body. This phenomenon of connecting with nature organizes the auric system and feels relaxing and rejuvenating. It shows you how a larger electromagnetic energy field like the ocean can affect and imprint yours, a smaller one. For some people it is the mountains or the desert, but we all have a place that we reconnect.
It’s interesting how our energy body holds memory. In fact a part of our aura is devoted to storing experiences, both happy times and traumatic. It is a frequency band that integrates and archives the events of your life. That band and the information it stores can be accessed at certain moments and in certain states of consciousness. It is not magical, but it does take an understanding of the aura and electromagnetic fields to get predictable results. This memory band organizes like data with like data, so as you go through life you may mature in specific categories from these collated experiences. Although this is not a conscious knowing, at times you may have direct insight into the reason behind your struggles and achievements. You might see the bigger picture and suddenly realize, ‘Oh, that’s what that is all about.’
One of the things I ask clients is: ‘Have you had any surgeries, auto accidents, physical injuries, birth trauma or the like?’ These things are typical to create imprints and cause damage. The events of trauma, either physical or emotional can imprint your electromagnetic field, your aura. In part, this memory band of storage contributes to the colors that some people see around you in your aura. Your quality of life determines the quality of light reflected by this band. Trauma stores as discordant, low-frequency interference here which creates dense, dull areas that block reflectivity. Joyful experiences imprint you as well. They store in higher frequency ranges which allow for greater reflectivity, color and light in your aura. Your experiences make you beautiful or not by the inherent light they contain and is reflected through them.
Cultivating and creating joyful experiences is mindful practice. There are so many things in our lives that we feel we have little control over. So, being conscious of where you have the power to create your experience is transformative. Learning to be present to, receptive and happy with your creation takes practice. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist and I also focus more on what is missing than on what I have. These traits distract terribly from the contentment that comes with having orchestrated a joyful moment. My personality can undermine me at times.
Part of creating joyful experiences is also about surrendering to the flow of the divine. When you are in that flow, things come easily and what you create is magical. Seeing the beauty in what is given, even though it may not be what you anticipated, is the first step. Releasing your expectations of the outcome is the next. Seeing the beauty of your own energy mix with the flow of the divine is truly transformative. This process demands you work with what you have got and from there grow in contentment.
Doing this mindful practice can bring you increased health and wellbeing. Not only do you get the joyful experience, but you learn to exercise your creativity and join with divine energy. You collect good imprints in your memory band, which increase your reflectivity and the light that emanates from you. You increase your awareness. It’s all part of creating your own reality and building your energy body. You might call it exercising your soul.
Rose Carey is the founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more.
', synopsis: 'Rosie’s latest article [title] gives practical ways to create your reality. Visit the Articles page now with 30 articles discussing Energy Medicine and healing.', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2015-07-22', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['transformation'], ratingTotal: 4, ratingCount: 1 },\n { id: 'sentinel150702', title: 'Love is a quality of your soul', body: 'There are probably as many definitions for ‘love’ as the Eskimos have names for snow. No wonder we are mystified by it. As we seek to understand love, there are a few concepts that help. Think of love as one of the attributes inherent in your heart chakra. Your physical heart and your heart chakra are close in proximity, but they are not the same thing. Your heart chakra is a mystical energy formation appearing to some as a geometric starburst of light radiating emotion and information. It is more than just light and energy though; it has its own consciousness.
Love is the energy through which we are connected to others and procreate. It is most often associated with our physical hearts and passion for another, because it’s here that we feel the energy of the heart chakra. More than any other chakra, the opening of this center has strong sensation into your physical heart. And love causes this chakra to open! An open heart allows more attributes of your heart to emerge, those of passion and deeper expressions of compassion. Love may define a personality, such as those of greatness who embody an open loving heart; Gandhi, Mother Teresa, the Dali Lama. Because love is a probable happening in our lives, we get to know this connection to our spiritual-self through it. Experiencing the opening and closing of your heart chakra through love can be exhilarating and painful. It is a gift though that teaches you, that you are more than the physical.
Love is an aspect of harmony. These are both essence energies, like yin and yang where one balances the other. Attributes of your heart such as love, do not come from learned experience but are a quality of the heart chakra itself. They are fed by connection to divine consciousness. The ancients understood this connection and cultivated loving relationships for the prosperity, peace and harmony they engendered. The Hopi believe we are now living in fourth world, which is the age of the heart, after transitioning from the age of the ego. That our consciousness is shifting from being ‘all about ourselves’ to ‘embracing each other’. We are now, more and more, living from the heart.
The consciousness of your heart chakra is to transform. With love being one of the inherent attributes of this center, you might feel that transformation as divinely guided. Your heart chakra has one ‘foot’ in the physical realm and one ‘foot’ in the spiritual. If there is a place within your body that your soul resides, it is your heart chakra, it being the gateway between your physical and spiritual worlds where you embody both tolerance and transformation.
Love is hard to define and understand because it is such a complex, subtle energy. Love is akin to wholeness of being. It is the essence of our whole being manifest in the physical. Experiencing love’s essence raises your consciousness to connect with Divine forces. Love is a quality of your soul; it transcends the physical and is part of the irrational world. The sheer bliss of falling in love—being in love, transforms your reality. You exist somewhere between this world and the irrational where change is the only constant.
Some theologians think that love is the glue that binds everything together. That it is an energy of creation itself and that love has consciousness. In the words of the immortal Beatles, “Love is all you need. Love is all you need. Love, love, love, love, love is all you need.”
Our hearts and love are inseparable, intertwined with the other energy essences they engender; passion, compassion, harmony, transformation, tolerance and trust. As we learn to live from the heart and dwell in the energy of these essences, we make choices that change our reality and the consciousness of our cultures. We are living a modern day ‘search for the Holy Grail.’ What was in the middle ages defined as passion for mergence with the Divine, today is our search for collective ‘oneness’.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene.
', synopsis: '', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2015-07-02', type: 'shopperNews', subtype: 'sentinel', categories: [], ratingTotal: 0, ratingCount: 0 },\n { id: 'jun15a', title: 'The Journey to Wholeness', body: 'There may be one overriding force that guides our lives and that may be the longing to be whole. Throughout our lives and in many ways, we search for health, connection, love, fulfillment, and mergence with the Divine. All of these desires are expressions of our inner longing to be whole.
I have studied the nature of the body as a healer and body worker for 25 years. What the body tells me is that energy follows form and form follows energy. They are mirrors for each other, each reflecting and anticipating the needs of the other. For instance, when I repair a chakra by weaving the energy field back together, there is wisdom within that chakra that knows just how it should be. All I really have to do is gather the pieces, so to speak, and watch the chakra reform itself on this wisdom and desire to be whole. The same things happens with the physical body; bones, muscles, tendons. They all know where they should be and they ‘want’ to move toward and be in balance. Now I am learning better ways to ‘orchestrate the process,’ get out of the way and watch it happen. I realize I am the assistant to the body’s desire to be whole. The body knows how to get there; it sometimes needs a little help.
In other forms of healing I also see this wisdom and desire to be whole manifest itself. People are able to use their consciousness to heal their bodies and have miraculous results. It is not so mysterious really; it is the nature of our being. It may be comforting to acknowledge that deep within you there is a guiding force that orchestrates such a divine mission.
It seems we all have issues, stuff that prevents us from being in balance and living a joyful life. We forget also our mission to be whole as we become distracted by this stuff. I think the stuff is important though because it is what we use to manifest our wholeness of being. Our issues are the journey to wholeness: the inspiration for the realization we ultimately arrive at.
When we view them as tools for our transformation, the ‘stuff’ may take on a different connotation. You may be able to see ‘groupings of stuff’ that forces growth in particular areas. And when you get there, then you can adjust your perspective a little to attain that growth and let some of the ‘stuff’ go. You are now one step closer to wholeness and have achieved valuable insight into your relationship with reality. You are on your way to creating your own reality.
Working with the nature of your being acknowledges the forces that guide and shape this world. Look for a moment at the atom. It is held together by seemingly unseen forces, molecules in balance spinning around a nucleus. Through quantum theory we now know that even this atom has consciousness. Logically speaking, the atom possesses even in the microscopic world it dwells, the same consciousness, energy and properties of matter as we know it and can touch it. It has a desire to be whole, to join with like atoms and create form.
We are an expression of the atom. What motivates us toward wholeness comes from deep within our essence. Acknowledging this allows the greater universe to acknowledge us. It’s a ‘Catch 22,’ like you can’t find the answer until you know the right question to ask. When we know what we are searching for, there is a response from the universe of energy that fulfills the request. Our being is reflected by the universe just as energy follows form.
Practices may help you attain wholeness because they utilize the principle that form follows energy. For example, if you are having trouble getting through some issue, and the more you focus on it the bigger it seems to get, try shifting your focus to a practice. The practice can be something simple like noticing how synchronicity moves in and out of your awareness. In reality it is always there, but we are not conscious of it. We don’t notice even simple events that might open opportunity or bring grace to our lives. If your practice is to be conscious of synchronous events, even the little things, you open yourself to the flow of all life. You develop the attention to grasp opportunities that will enrich your life and the presence to be in the moment. This is another step toward wholeness.
So whether your wholeness stirs from deep within and motivates you to transform your life and consciousness, or your practices create patterns of awareness and the energy of transformation, you are none-the-less on the journey to wholeness. Learn to work with the divine nature of wholeness, get out of the way and watch the miracles happen in your life.
Rose Carey is the founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more.
', synopsis: '', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2015-06-24', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['transformation'], ratingTotal: 1, ratingCount: 1 },\n { id: 'jun15', title: 'Living well is an act of gratitude', body: 'I’m grateful to be guided by the mystery of life, even when I hesitate to trust that all will be well. My lack of trust comes from the conflicting messages of our societal value structure about what is important in life. Choices based in good business sense/financial gain, versus choices made because something needs to be done, should be done, others will benefit from it, there will be joy, new friends and community. When I hush the businesswoman in favor of the divine working through me, I am inspired by the beauty of what transpires.
I wrote this some time ago, but it seems so relevant in this moment: Gratitude comes through inspiration and is akin to grace, fulfillment and love. I was talking then about subtle energies and how they work in our lives, how we cultivate and use them. The subtle energy of inspiration is what enervates our sense of gratitude. I find this continues to be a part of my learning experience. Through my own creativity I nurture the divine energy of inspiration, and through inspiration I nurture gratitude, which is my heart responding, opening in loving expression for the experiences of my life. It is a circle of energy that nurtures and grows us over and over.
We are most often grateful for the people, joy, opportunities and love in our lives and so often humbled by the mystery of life itself. I think that living well is an act of gratitude. Living joyfully, in community and in connection with others and being of service, all of these are heart chakra attributes. When we become downtrodden by the burdens of life we have stepped from this path and need to return to the beauty of simple things that nurture us.
I was recently reminded about ‘beauty’, by a strikingly beautiful woman both inside and out. She intentionally cultivates beauty as her vehicle for power and creativity. She is fostering beauty in the business world. Imagine that! Native Peoples have a practice of ‘walking the beauty way’. It is a Navaho term for the spiritual path, their practice of the Holy life. It involves seeing God in everything and as everything, not just in nature, but in each other as well. We can each pause a just a moment to appreciate the beauty in breath, light, and stillness and walk a little on this path. Walking the beauty way is living from your heart.
So back to this conflict I have between the voice of my head-oriented businesswoman and my heart -oriented spiritual self. I truly believe the solution lies in creating harmony between the two and coming into balance. I must learn to bring the divine attributes of my heart into the business world I am sustained by financially. In doing this, I will come to see the energy of each as equal. In choosing to follow the wisdom and expression of our hearts we attract the support of the divine in our lives, and this is where financial stability enters. When our avocation is our occupation we live in harmony.
We all need reminders along the way to reorient ourselves; recreate and renew the very things that move us forward. I am fortunate that I find these reminders in the faces and hearts of the people I meet. I work with repairing and renewing the energy pathways of our bodies. It is such a treat to be renewed in kind. I am in gratitude for this circle of life, this energy we all share, have, send out; only to receive and be changed by it in return.
Rose Carey is the founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more.
', synopsis: '', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2015-05-27', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['transformation'], ratingTotal: 0, ratingCount: 0 },\n { id: 'sentinel150612', title: 'Your Electrical System', body: 'Some people think that energy medicine is mysterious, but actually it is quite predictable and systematic. It is scientifically based in principles of electromagnetism and quantum physics. Modern science does help us to unravel the mystery of this more esoteric energy system of our body. None-the-less, ancients have been studying and using this system to heal illness for centuries.
You can call this energy around and within your body your aura, your energy or electromagnetic field, or just your electrical system, it is all the same. I like to think of it as your electrical system because it helps to demystify it.
Healing for your electrical system occurs much in the same way as healing for your physical body. Your electrical system is just one of the many systems of your body, others being vascular, endocrine, skeletal, lymphatic, digestive, and nervous systems. All of these systems interrelate and there is an electrical component to each. Your electrical system is all about flow and movement of energy; signals that communicate information to your central nervous system and other chakras.
Illness is just as apparent in your electrical system as in the rest of your body if you know what to look for. Symptoms include: a loss of energy, patterns of physical weakness that occur on one side of your body, too much heat in your body manifesting as tumors and irregularities, emotional moodiness that is immature from the norm, reactive trigger responses, inability to move forward in life and develop balance, stability and higher consciousness. The symptoms vary and are unique to each individual, but finding and repairing the breaks and tears that underlie the damage is essential to overall health.
Chakras, we all have them and they are the major part of your electrical system. Attached into your physical body are seven major chakra centers. Each chakra is able to send and receive messages, collect and broadcast energy and information to and from your central nervous system as well as collectively surround your body with a field of energy. Each chakra collects and relates to different categories of information and has different characteristics and abilities. The chakras, in a sense, are your etheric eyes, ears, nose and mouth. All seven centers function as a comprehensive information network helping to create and manifest your consciousness, and your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.
Chakras are a refinement of what you already know your physical body to be. There is some question as to which comes first, the body or the energy. The body, organs, blood flow, etc. does manifest the energy of your electrical system, but the energy of your consciousness exists beyond your body and may ultimately be what defines your body. Therefore, your consciousness can affect the physical. This echoes back to quantum theory and how consciousness affects matter. This is just one of the rules of science that can guide you to health.
A chakra is a more subtle energy expression of its denser counterpart in the physical. Your first three chakras are physical in nature and relate to your physical health more specifically, your spiritual chakras are in the upper portion of your body and relate to etheric, intuitive and higher consciousness energy. Your heart chakra sits in the middle of these, in the middle of your body and is the gateway between these two realities, the physical and the spiritual.
Balance and health of your energy body will bring increased vitality and health for your physical body. The ancients knew that the mind, emotions, and spirit were all connected to the physical through this intricate system of chakras and meridians. It is there for you to rediscover and use for better health and increased consciousness.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies, 603-852-8300.
', synopsis: '', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2015-06-12', type: 'shopperNews', subtype: 'sentinel', categories: [], ratingTotal: 5, ratingCount: 1 },\n { id: 'may15', title: 'More on Developing Consciousness', body: 'Developing Consciousness is something we all talk about, often the lack of it is often the gossip, but just how do we break free from being critical and start implementing a shift that will impact our lives for the better?
Interestingly, the care you give to your physical body is also good practice for your spiritual body. Exercising, feeding and cleansing your spirit are the basics for developing consciousness. This philosophy goes along the lines of how you reach enlightenment; chop wood, carry water, and after you reach enlightenment you also chop wood and carry water.
Being present and aware of your physical body develops consciousness. Being present means being anchored in the here and now—being grounded in your body. You can track yourself by knowing; how much you are occupying your body, how much of yourself you feel, how much of your energy and the energy of others you feel, how much your mind is running the show vs. your heart. Disciplines like Yoga and Tai Chi can help train your attention and focus your energy making this job easier.
The physical body restores itself to health through alignment of the muscles, bones and various systems such as nervous and digestive. As this process occurs, you grow in awareness of what health and illness are. The same is true for your spiritual body. You grow in awareness of what spiritual health is by experiencing the discomfort of imbalance. When you become aware of and correct those imbalances you develop spiritually.
If you are feeling out-of-balance here are some ways to focus your actions; personally, with others and in community.
Focus 1—be present and aware in the world. Find your passion in life. Challenge yourself. Be honest with and responsible for yourself. These may seem like first steps, but to complete these actions consistently takes some devotion.
Focus 2—practice in your relationships to refrain from judgment. Seek to find commonality. Cultivate diversity and inclusiveness to broaden your community and open your heart. I take a tip from babies and elders here because they inherently know what is vital for life. Being around them can give you new insights on how to focus your own actions.
Focus 3—in community look for the bigger picture and new perspectives. Allow yourself to strive for your desires and fulfill your passion. Be generous and patient with yourself and others. One important teaching from one of my mentors was about my relationship to my community. She would remind me that my heart is only as big as my community and my community is only as big as my heart. How big is my heart? How loving? And how much room do I have for more in my heart?
The above ‘focus actions’ exercise qualities of your heart. Your heart is the gateway to developing consciousness. It is the first chakra of your spiritual body and it feeds all of your spiritual chakras. The vitality, diversity, and stamina of this center determine your ability to express the qualities of your heart. Your heart is complicated; it has so many expressions of love, courage, passion, compassion, yearning and generosity. And each of us is unique in the way we manifest these qualities. Having energy is what drives the expression of your heart. So being whole, healing from loss and heartbreak allows your spirit to express itself in this world. Here you blend your physical reality with your reason for being.
As we are born into this world we are easily heart centered as babies. We love unconditionally, yearn for connection, and life is all about challenges. I just became a grandmother and have fallen, much to my surprise, deeply in love with my new grandson. What a wonderful heart opening, transformational experience this is! I believe becoming grandmothers and grandfathers helps us to find our spiritual essence. It is a gift of ageing.
A good way to exercise your spirit is to stretch yourself. Contribute to your community by volunteering in an area where you can make a difference. You can also do this in a quiet way within your own family. Feed your spirit by being with those people or things that truly nurture and deepen you. This could even mean being alone, being in nature or just taking time to be. My dad used to go rabbit hunting with his dogs and friends; it seemed to restore him more than anything. Only you really know what this would be for you. Cleanse your spirit by emptying out the struggles, emotions and burdens that accumulate from living life. Remember that you are a divine being; live in the world but not be of the world.
Simply speaking, to develop your consciousness, connect with the subtle energies that surround us and influence our being; cultivate grace, harmony, creativity, truth and fulfillment.
Rose Carey is the founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more.
', synopsis: '', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2015-04-29', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['transformation'], ratingTotal: 5, ratingCount: 1 },\n { id: 'apr15', title: 'Developing Consciousness', body: 'Man is not an island when it comes to consciousness. We are all connected by a greater web of life. It is this web which influences us individually and collectively as we evolve in consciousness. This is to say that what you do, and think, and believe, does affect me and vice versa. The good news is, as we use this principle of connection, we individually benefit by the energies of our evolving collective consciousness.
Development of your energy body is a pathway to higher consciousness. Just as finding wholeness is part of your life’s journey; developing consciousness is a perk that results from that wholeness. Consciousness is not just some nebulous thing that exists indefinably, but through my experience an energy construct that has specific and definable function. Consciousness is evolved by us and in turn works for us. Like your chakra system your consciousness has identifiable aspects that perform specific functions.
I recently had the joy of performing a wedding ceremony for my daughter and her fiancé. It was beautiful as well as an exercise in shifting consciousness. There were so many people, groups and families coming together in support of the happy couple, each with their own perspectives on life. I have always known that each of us live in our own reality which does not necessarily match our neighbor’s. And this is also true of families and groups, often specific to and influenced by the mindset of whatever part of the country they are from. Part of the coming together of a wedding is the coming together of the families, embracing each other in similarities and differences. It is the beginning of a process that blends the consciousness of families into a foundation of wholeness and understanding. It is also a point of discovery of self through the differences we represent. The magic of this wedding, of course, was the love exuded by the happy couple for each other. It is with this love that we are all brought to see the reflection of ourselves in each other.
My concept of what is real in this reality is a product of perspective and individual consciousness. What I am exposed to shapes my consciousness; what I experience, investigate, create. I can practice this awareness individually or with groups of people. Taking in information, lifestyles, ways of being all evolve consciousness. The mechanism for gathering this information is the chakra system; the information then gets stored in the aura, and from there interacts with various aspects of your whole being and the collective consciousness. Consciousness is what evolves us as beings and as a species. Having a healthy chakra system is the foundation.
How does your consciousness work for you? There are parts of your consciousness that guide your journey through life. Your consciousness has a part that holds the essence of your soul, your perfection, and a part that specifically holds your plan for your life. These are memories of knowing that exist before you were born and will continue even after you die. Communication with these parts of your consciousness is automatically maintained by your aura and functions very much like your autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain your body. Even though you may not be aware of it, nevertheless communication does exist here. There is also a part of your consciousness that remembers and recognizes the ultimate essence from which we all originated. It is this influence that is the transformative aspect of healing and developing consciousness. You can learn to access and work with all of these aspects of consciousness.
Whether life is just about yourself, or your family, or your community; we are all connected through a global web of life. We are together developing consciousness. Our knowing evolves us to greater understanding, compassion and vision for action as one global consciousness inclusive of all.
Rose Carey is the founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more.
', synopsis: 'Two new articles: Stability and [title] teach us how our energy field works for us.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2015-04-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['energy'], ratingTotal: 5, ratingCount: 1 },\n { id: 'mar15', title: 'Stability', body: 'Now is not the time to question if what we have built will stand up, but to know we do good work.
Stability of self comes from having a good foundation. Part of this is resilience, flexibility and a strong core. Sounds like elements of good design right? Well in a way it is. This winter has tried the structure of our buildings as well as our personal metal. Living in an old Queen Ann house, I know it has withstood the test of many winters already. There is comfort in knowing it was designed and built well, and if I care and maintain it well, it should withstand many more tests of nature. As one of my girlfriends says, “This house has good bones.” So, I work for my Queen Ann house just as I work for my spiritual house.
A good personal foundation isn’t just having a good start in life, although that helps. We create our path through life by the maturing of our personality, our ability to find our place and passion, and through those we have relationship with. How we design our personal foundation for stability and how we exercise and maintain that stability is what makes us strong. Interestingly, this path through life is not defined by material accomplishments, but by the growth of our being. So our stability doesn’t come from just a good start in life, but by the options we take to grow into a whole being. Maturing your personality is something that occurs throughout your life, with a large part of it before the age of 20. You learn so much about yourself and life early on. How you treat yourself, your connections, and your environment; all of this becomes part of a stable foundation from which you draw on the rest of your life. This is largely physical and emotional growth.
Finding your place and passion develops stability. This is about knowing who you are in both the external and internal worlds. ‘Place’ means to me creating a home for myself, finding community, colleagues and friends, and passion means your life’s work. Not that our direction in life can’t change, as it often does, but usually there is a theme that guides the development and emergence of our core self which expresses this passion. It is through this expression that we come to know ourselves. The pursuit of place and passion broadens our foundation and stability. This is emotional and spiritual growth.
This brings us to relationships, I have written about this before and that I believe relationships to be some of the hardest and most rewarding things we do in life because they challenge us to grow. It is true that we grow the most through these challenges of maturing our hearts and abandoning our egos. How we are in relationship to others shapes our emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Good relationships create stability by giving us mirrors to reflect who we are and hopefully friends to share our journey. This is transformative growth.
A meaningful life could be just this simple; the opportunity to grow, creative expression of self and connection to others. Some or all would work. Develop your resilience to the erosion of time. Remain strong yet flexible. Don’t forget to do your work to maintain your spiritual house wherein you enjoy stability and the benefits it brings.
Rose Carey is the founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more.
', synopsis: 'March's article [title] teaches us how to develop stability of self whereby we create a reserve of energy from which to draw in challenging times. It helps us once again examine the focus of our energy and essence.
“A meaningful life could be just this simple; the opportunity to grow, creative expression of self and connection to others.”
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2015-03-03', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['chakras'], ratingTotal: 5, ratingCount: 1 },\n { id: 'feb15', title: 'Seeking Renewal', body: 'How do we emerge from the darkness of winter onto a path of hope and purpose?
We spent time in the fall gathering the harvest, at Christmas time opening our hearts to each other and to inner light. And now in the quiet of February we contemplate singularity and seek renewal. I have a good friend Thomas, who reminded me that from the time of the birth of Christ until the beginning of February, the wise men followed the Star of David seeking the Christ child; they did not find him until the beginning of February.
Renewal is the culmination of a process that started as we did in the fall with gathering the harvest. Renewal is all about the irrational part of growth and transformation. Yes, it is about observing, inward motion and finding the quiet within. These all being activities of your third eye, but renewal is also dreaming the dream. That very action enters the irrational. This is now our time to dream, to go within, and to align with the returning light of renewal; as the wise men aligned with the star that guided them to the Christ child.
Perhaps you remember from my last writing, the article Rebirth, my mention of the Egyptian temple structure. How within the temple each level corresponds to levels of learning and late December, into January, was the time of the heart; the heart chakra being the gateway to rebirth and transformation. The part of the temple was the symbolic, “Know Your Symbols,” was the inscription and the heart chakra corresponds to this part of the temple. Your heart qualities that support renewal are: seeking, acceptance, hope and the nurturing of your spiritual body. Renewal is a combination of heart chakra qualities and third eye qualities. Renewal is both a transformative process and inward motion. Your third eye completes the process with “dreaming the dream”. The irrational level inscription on the temple is “Know what thou are not”.
We get a boost from nature here in the Northeast in understanding the irrational. February does teach us a little bit about the unpredictable forces of nature and the hidden waiting to be revealed within. I love living in the country because the energy of the earth and the seasons is so pure and tangible. It is harder to get lost on the path as these energies are always teaching us. The trick here is not to get pulled back into the energy of first chakra, survival, but to stay in the flow of the season; spiritual transformation. And this happens with alignment and balance of your upper chakras.
Mass media picks up on this theme early and plays it over and over with New Year’s resolutions; the biggest push seems to be getting you into the gym. It is a good thing to do in these inactive winter months, but I would also like you to come to know your energy body and exercise that. Your energy body has two basic aspects, physical chakras that relate to your physical body and spiritual chakras that relate to your spiritual essence. The consciousness of your first four physical chakras is: to survive (root chakra), to create (spleenic chakra), to absorb and process (navel chakra) and to transform (heart chakra). We do tend to exercise these chakras more in our day to day lives. An area to create balance here is through the creative energies of you spleenic center, second chakra. Being creative moves your survival energy into something that truly feeds and nourishes you. It is through the balance and exercise of these centers that we mature and are able to attend to spiritual matters. So if you do get pulled out of your spiritual process back into survival mode, here is a way to get back on track. Be creative and get back in the upward flow!
The consciousness of your four spiritual chakras is: to transform (heart chakra), to know yourself as a divine being (throat chakra), to dream as a divine being and become responsible for this reality (third eye), and to know the Divine however you understand that to be, (crown chakra). Normally, exercising these chakras takes a little focus and is a step away from ordinary life, but as we are all moving toward the consciousness of the heat, we are more and more attuning to spiritual processes as part of our daily lives.
It is nice to think that as we each attend to our own spiritual, emotional, physical wellness we do evolve. I believe that as we evolve individually we evolve our communities. It starts with each of us dreaming the dream and desiring transformation.
', synopsis: 'February's article [title] gives us tips for exercising our spiritual bodies. It is about how we emerge from the darkness of winter onto a path of hope and purpose.
', customFooter: 'Rose Carey is the founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more.
', publish_date: '2015-02-05', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['chakras'], ratingTotal: 5, ratingCount: 1 },\n { id: 'jan15', title: 'Rebirth', body: 'I was recently asked if the soul resided in the heart chakra. Truthfully I’m not sure, not that anyone might be. But I can say that your heart chakra is your energetic focal point for rebirth. It is where hope resides. As westerners we spend a great deal of our lives directed by our minds and our egos and still hope to find our ‘heart’; the essential truth within ourselves. This is more common among western peoples because our culture is so ‘head driven’. Learning to come from the heart doesn’t come as natural for us. None-the-less it is happening. Right now in fact is a perfect time to begin this heart-fullness practice as this is the ‘heart’ time of the year. Moving into your heart and turning down the volume of your head might be just what you need to rebirth yourself in unison with this cycle of nature.
My teachers have always told me if you want to be in harmony with something you have to watch the energy of it, and then follow that energy. Moving into your heart means moving your consciousness into the core of your being. Finding your still point just as nature is now doing. Nature is quiet now in these winter moments, but will become even more silent as the deep cold moves in. I’m thinking about those below zero mornings when there is little sound but for the crunch of ice underfoot. All is silent awaiting the movement of the planet, something deep like that within stirring rebirth. Take some time, let yourself settle into quiet and you will feel it also. Go outside on the next really cold morning to be with the energy of this stillness, let yourself be in harmony with it and resonate within you.
Moving into stillness brings knowing of your needs and desires, the things that deeply motivate you. We all think that our heads run the show, but in fact our hearts are what truly determine what we can do and not do because our hearts hold our essence. If you feel you are ready for a change and want to live from your heart then do this. This is your challenge for the year 2015 to do this one thing well. Make the things you believe and the things you do match. You can write this out to make it clear for yourself in two columns. The first column is titled ‘The things I believe’ and the second is titled ‘How I live my life’ and then take some time to really fill it in. The discrepancies reveal where you are challenged and need to grow deeper into your own heart action in the world.
Native peoples say we are leaving Third world and moving into Fourth world, which is to say we are leaving the ego-centered world of our minds and moving into the hope-filled world of our hearts. Each of these worlds marks a step in the evolution of the consciousness of man and the natural world. We are all in transition as a species and collectively in consciousness.
Here are some tips for living from your heart: be gentle with yourself (cultivate patience, ha), welcome change as it is the only constant, nurture the challenges for they will transform you, allow your heart wounds to heal so your essence emerges into the world, feel more than think what is real. Practice following the energy thereby training your mind to work with the wisdom of your heart. Consider your actions and their resulting implications before you take them. Know you are a divine being and live as one.
This last one may be a little bit hard, and for the most part takes some practice for all of us because it encompasses so much, yet once it starts to unfold it is powerful. Knowing that we are divine beings acknowledges that we are more than just a physical body being told what to do by a physical brain. It acknowledges that we are in fact spiritual beings with consciousness. This right here creates a tremendous shift in how we are in the world. It helps us to break through the ’me-me-me’ mindset into seeing the bigger picture. Even to see the greater being we are than our mortal selves. It is transformative. This act of living as a divine being puts you in harmony with the present cycle of global transformation.
The heart chakra is your gateway to your spiritual self and your divinity. In the ancient Egyptian mystery schools there were four parts to the temple and they are the four levels of learning for man. In fact the temple was laid out proportionally to describe the body of man where you would enter at the feet with its many columns and then as you go deeper into the temple, move up the body and the chakra system until you reached the inner sanctum, the Holy of Holy’s at the head. Around 90 percent of the populous learned in the temple, attending for one month out of the year. There were inscriptions over each gateway marking the levels of learning. The outer part of the temple was the common area or the literal level where all people were allowed; the gateway here read: ‘Know Thyself’. On the next gateway, the symbolic level where initiates were, the gateway read: ‘Know Thy Symbols’. On the third level, the irrational, where the priests and priestesses were, the gateway read: ‘Know What Thou Are Not’. At the last level where you seldom entered, the Holy of Holy’s gateway read: ‘Know Thy God’. As you turned to exit the temple the inscription read: ‘Know Thou Art God’, at the irrational gateway; ‘Know What Thou Art’, at the symbolic gateway; ‘Know Thy Power’ and as you reentered the literal world; ‘Be Thyself’.
', synopsis: 'The first Shopper News article of 2015 is here! [title] looks at how you can use your heart chakra to be in harmony and heal in this quiet cycle of nature.
', customFooter: 'Rose Carey is the founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 25 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more.
', publish_date: '2015-01-07', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['chakras'], rating: 4 },\n { id: 'dec14', title: 'Staying in the Flow', body: 'Not to say that life is a river, but it could be. Staying in the flow has always meant to me navigating the center current, staying clear of the snags and eddies that happen at the edge of the river. The idea is to keep moving. Sometimes you float and sometimes you paddle.
Aspirations are a part of life that move you forward, they are your hopes and dreams. We train, develop skills, connect with others, discipline ourselves, and fall in love. These are our aspirations moving us. As we move we mature. It’s all part of staying in the flow.
Known to me are three primordial essence energies. Specifically they are the energy of primordial knowledge, the seed of individual consciousness, and free will. These essences are present at the time of your birth and combine to form you. You might think of this as similar to pure white light passing into the illusion or maya of this world. When this happens the light becomes the three primary colors, red, blue and yellow. These colors further divide into more subtle colors or subtle energies which we are able to recognize. I am sure you are already familiar with some of them.
The flow of life stems from these subtle energies which surround you. Grace, coherence, peace and harmony all come from one primordial essence. Creativity, fulfillment and love come from another primordial essence and independence, connection and truth come from a third essence. These essences are the primordial energy that forms creation and you as well. You may be aware of how you cultivate some of these subtle energies and may realize you have greater familiarity with one of the three categories over another. But becoming agile with each and all of these subtle energies takes your becoming a whole being. I think of these subtle energies as the river upon which we all float. They become reality when you are balanced and in touch with your world.
Disappointments are also a part of the river of life. They are what slow us down. They challenge us to redefine our direction, our expression of self and motivations. If you struggle with disappointment often, consider bringing a little more flow into your life by cultivating one of the subtle energies we just talked about. Here the river can help push your endeavors to manifest.
One of the things I equate with staying in the flow is paying attention to my own stuff. Where I am going with my life and seeing the grace in each moment. When you feel yourself being pulled into eddies at the side of the river; other people’s problems or your own stress, remember you have a rudder. Your rudder is a practice or activity that guides and centers you. If you don’t feel you have that try to develop one. Make a connection to your deeper self be it though meditation, prayer, creativity, grounding, exercise or anything else that centers and calms you. This rudder is a part of your spiritual tool box for living well and being whole.
Balance is important. Native tradition says equal time spent in the four directions, physical, mental, spiritual and emotional creates balance. We move around this wheel of four directions many times over a lifetime spending time in each quadrant. Here the trick is to know when to pause and when to keep moving. Do you obsess about your emotional state or over think every project or situation? Do you make time for devotion? Do you listen to your body and take time to nourish and replenish? Being tired all the time is not a good way to be, you are not balanced or in the flow in this condition.
I recently read this on the tag of my tea bag, “Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think.”However you may see your life, as a river, as a flow of energy, or as a medicine wheel that guides you, they all move you forward. We are part of a larger whole, larger consciousness that is interwoven with and connects all things. As much as we are individuals and may feel alone we are indeed supported by grace, love, fulfillment and truth as well as more than these. It is up to you, it is all in how you look at it.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com for past Shopper articles and more. Gift certificates are now available for the holidays.
', synopsis: 'At last the new shopper article is here. [title] explains some things!', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-12-06', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['transformation'], rating: 3 },\n { id: 'nov14', title: 'Maturity', body: 'It’s not something specific to ageing though it should be, but does not necessarily accompany it. Maturity arrives often as the end result of a rite of passage; having completed a task of great effort that changes you internally and externally. Spiritual and emotional maturity results from your hard work in facing the obstacles of your life and creating beauty and balance within yourself and with them.
Maturing begins at birth and continues throughout your life. Physical maturing is obvious, but emotional and spiritual maturing is subtle and doesn’t show itself as easily. There are three energy centers that play significant roles in helping you gain emotional and spiritual maturity. They are 2nd chakra (spleenic center), 3rd chakra (navel center) and 4th chakra (heart center). Within these centers developing specific attributes is most important; they are self-sufficiency, knowing right from wrong and tolerance. Each of these attributes can be developed at different times for each person, and all are important to maturity at any age.
Self-sufficiency is one of the attributes of 2nd chakra. The nature of this center is to create. Last month I wrote about fulfillment (also an attribute of 2nd chakra) as a tool for personal growth, expression of self, and transformation. Self-sufficiency is similar to fulfillment in that it comes in stages throughout your development; as a baby it is learning to walk, as a teen it is learning how to be successfully independent from parents, and as an adult it is earning your way in the world. Becoming self-sufficient is a reflection your ability to create in the world and of the maturing of 2nd chakra.
It’s not news that knowing right from wrong comes from your gut, but here is a little bit about why that is true from an energetic perspective. The nature of 3rd chakra is to absorb and process; it’s digestive. When we have a weakness we don’t always recognize it, especially here in 3rd chakra. Cravings are indicators of where we need to work; where we may be weak or vulnerable be they physical, emotional or spiritual. Having said that, accepting and recognizing the weakness, the next step is to know it is not a character flaw or part of your nature but a point for change. This knowledge helps you to change your behavior which strengthens and empowers you. A healthy and mature 3rd chakra helps you to choose right from wrong and to know each. This chakra deals primarily with maturing you emotionally, but also contributes to spiritual development.
Tolerance is an attribute of 4th chakra. The nature of this center is to transform. Tolerance comes from a mature heart in balance with self and others. Our modern world connects us to each other via our ethics, policies, beliefs, and wellbeing. This happens on a personal level through work, community and global communication and relationships. More than ever we are aware of the wellbeing of ‘the whole’ where tolerance helps us to widen personal perspectives. Native peoples believe we have entered the age of the heart, 4th world. This age requires that we move from the ego centered perspective of 3rd world, into tolerance, compassion and transformation.
Hope allows us to try and fail and try again to achieve the attributes of a balanced system personally, collectively and globally. Hopefully, the maturing of our individually selves will ultimately tilt all of us to balance impacting community and global relationships worldwide. Living the wisdom of your lessons trickles down to create more humane conditions for those around you. Maturity moves you into greater awareness of self for your own personal growth and transformation. We are connected in this ebb and flow of life and growth where ultimately we can all live in Grace.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com The website’s Events schedule includes an upcoming workshop which teaches you how to engage your consciousness to heal your body. You may also read past Shopper articles on energy medicine on the website.
', customFooter: null, publish_date: '2014-11-06', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['chakras'], keywords: 'flow template', rating: 2 },\n { id: 'oct14', title: 'Fulfillment', body: 'I have been longing to put in a claw foot tub in my bathroom. The inspiration for this was both necessity (as I do not have a tub) and historic accuracy (1880’s home). For more than a month now I have scraped, sanded, tiled, painted, constructed and repaired my bathroom getting it ready for this tub. Somewhere along in this process I realized that I was really enjoying the experience! It had become more than just the work or the creativity; I was getting a lot of fulfillment from just the doing. I relished the creative time spent each day making this space ready and it now feels (as I am close to done) that it has manifested something of me as well; that I have been changed by this ‘doing’. It was challenging and stretched me to let go of some of my perfection, and trust that I could do this difficult task. I have more insight and understanding of myself now than when I started and I am about to be fulfilled anew by the completed tub experience! What a win-win.
Fulfillment is more than an experience though; it is also an essential vibration. It relates to primordial energies that define our reality and shape our journey through life. I acknowledge some of these energies as Grace, Creativity, Love, Truth, Peace, Coherence, Individuation, Harmony, Connection and Fulfillment. They are interwoven throughout our experiences, growth and evolution. Fulfillment is one of the energies that nurtures and develops our whole being; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This is why I group it with essential vibrations. It shapes core aspects of our being and our personality.
To have fulfillment you need Inspiration. Inspiration is the impetus; fulfillment is the culmination. It is right in there with creativity and love in terms of a tool for personal growth, expression of self, and transformation. It is not equivalent to satisfaction however that is more of an emotional or physical state.
Each of us finds fulfillment in our own way. This is a reflection of our individual personality and avenue for growth. What inspires you to fulfillment is unique. We might both work for the same cause, but what you get from that may be very different from what I get. I have always thought that if you want to structure your life toward fulfillment on a daily basis, then make your occupation your avocation. Interestingly, I recently spent some time with a group of nurses and asked them what fulfilled them most. Not one of them mentioned their work, though I can’t help but think that it must have been in the mix. They talked about fulfillment through relationships with partners, friends, children and grandchildren, a deep spiritual connection, artistic expression and time to just be.
Fulfillment manifests from 2nd chakra primarily. 2nd chakra is the home of creativity and inspiration; it is also the center that manifests joy, a childlike innocence, curiosity, spontaneity and artistic expression. 2nd chakra also influences your spleen as it is located near it. Your spleen is the organ responsible for immune responses within your body. 2nd chakra can be damaged often in childhood by emotional abuse or trauma. A healthy 2nd chakra affects not only your emotional wellbeing through the energies it manifests, but also your physical wellbeing by strengthening your spleen. I often tell my clients to engage in a creative project when they are recovering from illness as that process reinitiates all of the energies of this center. And by engaging the energy of fulfillment, a cascade of related energies balance and harmonize your whole being.
At our core we are individuals that seek reconnection with the whole be that creation or creator. The reason fulfillment is so important in our lives relates directly to that cascade effect and our desire for connection. Specific energies trigger responses. Being fulfilled in 2nd chakra manifests a vibration that triggers 3rd chakra, your navel center with a sense of satisfaction, physically you feel full and nurtured. These energies then move up your system combined with the opening energies of 3rd chakra to your 4th chakra, your heart. Here they trigger a deeper, heart-opening emotional response which may manifest some or all of these energies; love, compassion, empathy, transformation, the yearning for connection to something greater than yourself. The energy of your opening heart joins this wave as it continues up your body balancing and opening 5th chakra, your throat and 6th chakra, your 3rd eye (the home of insight and intuition). The wave continues moving into your 7th chakra, your crown center. This is a high frequency center that holds the energy for connection with the divine. Here the wave triggers the opening of your crown which initiates reconnection with the whole of creation and the creator. This is a whole system effect initiated through a process of inspiration and creativity.
I hope you feel inspired to engage the energies of 2nd chakra through creativity, joy, spontaneity or fulfillment. You might be as surprised as I was to see where it takes you.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com The website’s Events schedule includes an upcoming workshop which teaches you how to engage your consciousness to heal your body.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-10-15', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['chakras'] },\n { id: 'sep14', title: 'Cultivating Relationship', body: 'We would all like to think that we choose our friends and lovers, and this is true to a large extent, but there is more to it than that. The ‘why’ of relationship is more complex and serves to engage our whole being. The act and energy of cultivating relationship originates with the ego which makes its home in third chakra. Among other things, the egos’ drive is to know other. The ego is hungry for the food of new and stimulating ideas and emotions. After all the ego lives in third chakra, the navel center, which is also the physical center (colon) whose function it is to assimilate food and nutrients. We all feed our egos in different ways, but cultivating new relationships is one of the more satisfying. We get to know ourselves through reflection. We get to know reality through the eyes of another. We experience shared emotions and bonding with another.
Feeding our egos through cultivating relationship is a natural way to mature and grow emotionally. It is good to cultivate relationship with those on a par with yourself. This equality of status and similar beliefs allows you to grow and enjoy the relationship fully. Cultivating relationship is not so much about the differences between each other as the similarities. Look for the satisfaction of comfortable connection emotionally and you will know you have a relationship worthy of your time. You may have connection with others that deepens into a love relationship or lifelong friendship. This involves connection and attributes that come from additional chakras and aspects of your personality, but it all begins with the ego.
Our emotions play a big part in cultivating relationship. Some of the basic ones like fear, anger, greed, and joy get to evolve into more sophisticated emotions like envy, love, betrayal, compassion, satisfaction and despair to name a few. You will notice that the flavor of these emotions is not consistently uplifting, but diverse and would require you to deepen and evolve to stay in balance. Emotional maturity means working it, growing with your connections and also seeking new connections.
Karma often attracts us to those we have unfinished business with. Or to those we have incarnated with for a purpose. Oftentimes these relationships are not what they may at first appear to be. Get ready because you may unravel one of life’s great lessons which require you to remain in integrity and balance as you both grow through this association. People often have a heightened sense of knowing the other and an easy emotional bond when they have karmic pasts together. Significant to each of you if possible, is to discern the others’ role in the past and how you can best grow now from the current association. These are both easy and difficult relationships as they already come with an agenda.
Kindness comes from the heart, but is cultivated through association to the ego. How kind are you in your relationships with others? How able are you to be humble, gracious and set aside personal importance in favor of another’s wellbeing? Yes, practice kindness because it will keep your relationships on an equal par and not allow your ego to create too much self importance or grandstanding. Because your ego is based in third chakra which is a physical center, it is therefore good practice to operate out of higher centers, the kindness and compassion of your heart or the intuition of your third eye. When your spiritual centers are in control you are in touch with your own divinity.
Aside from the usual benefits physically and intellectually of cultivating relationship, there are energetic benefits. The energy of cultivating relationship is a creative process nurturing all of our chakras. Specific energies from each center enervate each other. It is instinctual energy from first chakra (root), creativity from second (spleen), the ego of third (navel), kindness from fourth (heart), the resonance of fifth (throat), intuitive reflection of sixth (third eye) and mergence from seventh (crown) that all work together to inspire and cultivate the process.
You benefit as a whole being through cultivating relationship. Not just through the process of cultivation itself, but also through sustaining worthy relationships over time. Interestingly enough pets make for some of the more satisfying relationships because they instinctively know how to balance us and elicit kindness. Cultivating relationship is a transformational process. Relationships challenge us to grow all of the aspects of our personality both physically and spiritually. Being in balance in relationship requires courage, patience, tolerance, self-examination, integrity, loyalty, connection, emotional honesty, and perseverance among other qualities. Relationships are some of the hardest things we will do in life.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com The website’s Events schedule includes an upcoming workshop which teaches you how to engage your consciousness to heal your body.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-09-12', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['community'] },\n \t{ id: 'aug14', title: 'The Energy of Your Heart is more than Love', body: 'Our hearts are what connect us with others and allow us to feel compassion, empathy, courage and love. We have a physical heart as well as an energetic heart center. Your physical heart is the center of your physical well-being. Your energetic heart, your heart chakra is the center of your energetic life. They often are confused as one and the same especially as your physical heart hurts when your heart chakra is wounded.
For those of you less familiar with your chakra system, here is a brief account. Attached into your physical body are seven major chakra centers. Each chakra is able to send and receive messages, collect and broadcast energy and information to and from your central nervous system as well as collectively surround your body with a field of energy known as your aura. Each chakra assesses and relates to different categories of information and has different characteristics and abilities. The chakras, in a sense, are your etheric eyes, ears, nose and mouth. All seven centers function as a comprehensive information network helping to create and manifest your consciousness, and your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual reality.
Your heart center is capable of connection and LOVE in many subtle forms both human love and divine love. As we mature as whole beings, and as we grow our hearts to mature, we experience love of life, our first love, love in marriage, love for our family, passion for a cause or quest, love of self, the separation that death brings and the yearning to return to the oneness. These forms of love teach us, through their fullness and absence, the wondrous journey that develops our hearts.
You may find yourself passionate about a particular love and linger a long time with the energy and subtle development of that aspect. Perhaps you will encounter in this way another of the energies of the heart, that of transformation. The heart joins the physical chakras, or energies of your body with the spiritual chakras or energies and thus is called the ‘great transformer’. The passion of youth transforms into humanitarian service, love gained is lost, which leads to yearning for fulfillment, the occasionally daring heart becomes the courageous heart. These experiences of love and expressions of love drive this center to transform our whole being to greater states of awareness as the heart closes to heal, transform and reopen to yet another love. This is how your heart transforms you, moves you to fulfill your passion and challenges your courage to go deeper and quest longer. This is transformation through cycles of rebirth of your spirit. Your heart chakra is the first chakra of your spiritual chakras and is your spiritual womb.
When you live from your heart center, you realize you are more than the physical body, you begin to know you are ‘spirit in’ your body. Your heart is the gateway to your spiritual life. As we consider others, know the depths of love and have courage, we develop our divinity. We come to live as divine beings and this begins our spiritual life.
Much of the energy of the heart chakra is also about balance, balance of the physical reality and the spiritual reality; balance of what is right for others weighed against what is right for you, balance of passion and practicality. Understandably, the consciousness of your heart chakra is tolerance. If you practice tolerance you will have more balance in life and less trouble overcoming many of the pitfalls to transformation.
Discernment is a characteristic of the heart and is developed through constant evaluation of self and other, what is physical pain or suffering and what is emotional or spiritual pain. Things that cause your heart to suffer are issues of loss, deception and betrayal. Diseases that develop from these issues directly affect your physical heart. Some of the emotional conditions that involve damage to your heart manifest through trust issues, boundary and relationship issues and narcissism.
To promote health and healing of your heart, both physical and energetic, encourage yourself to know and live as the divine being you are. Practice tolerance and maintain an open heart. The solitary heart is never truly alone. Connect with self and others. Remember a heart that closes, shuts out both the good feelings and the painful ones. Keep trust in yourself that you may feel love, have compassion, and find the courage to embrace all of life’s offerings. It starts with you. Let the energy and wisdom of your heart guide you to transform a self-focused life towards creating greater awareness. Creating greater awareness starts with you and then expands to others to ultimately affect us all.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-08-29', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['transformation'] },\n { id: 'jul14a', title: 'Guidelines for Healing', body: 'Health and healing go hand in hand. If you want to have health, you will need to understand a little bit about healing. Suffice it to say we all sustain damage or injury to our bodies in greater or lesser degrees just by living day-to-day. Additionally, many of us also contend with disease of various types. Healing is the process of restoring health to the various systems of your body that are impacted by daily stress, injury or disease.
Healing is not necessarily a single event, it is a process that is guided by your own internal wisdom and knowing of what is best for you and your body. The choices that you make about your life; the food you eat, the exercise you get, the work you do—all impact your health. Healing holds similar choices and is an activity that should be cultivated and given time in your day as much as sleeping and eating. It is an activity that you can do for yourself; you don’t have to wait for someone to necessarily do it for you. The many systems of your body each play a role. Knowing and understanding a little bit about these systems also helps you to heal them. They are the skeletal, muscular, nervous, electrical, endocrine, vascular, lymphatic and digestive systems. These systems each perform a specific function within your body and interact with one another.
A healing activity or therapy is magnified when it affects more than one of the systems of your body. Stress, illness, trauma and disease may be localized to one area of your body, but your body works as a whole. What happens in one area or part affects the whole. Likewise, you can use this principle to bring healing to specific areas by working with your whole body. For example, your nervous and electrical systems are nurtured by the music of the classical composer Mozart, your lymphatic and vascular systems like long walks and lots of water, your digestive and endocrine systems respond to regularity of eating and sleeping. As health is restored to the body in general, specific areas benefit through increased well-being.
Your body has an inherent wisdom and desire for health. This is a reflection of the life force in your body and your conscious awareness. You are both a divine being and physical matter in the process of living. Harmony between these aspects usually reflects in your body as health, disharmony creates disease.
Understanding the disease process means seeing the whole, all of the systems working together. Even though accidents happen, generally disease has specific components that affect certain parts of your body. Stress for instance is something we all suffer from. It may affect the muscles of your neck causing pain, or it may affect your nerves causing anxiety or fatigue. If attention is not given to reducing stress or its affects, then a disease process may begin where other areas of your body become affected. The body works this way, taking in the energy of the situation and moving it into the systems that may best express or mitigate that stressful or traumatic energy.
Cultivating healing energy in your life increases your well-being and slows the ageing process. Some of this you may already do in the way you nurture yourself through proper diet, exercise, and sleep. Many of you meditate, do yoga and train your body and mind through specific disciplines such as martial arts. Healing does come through these methods and they are good therapy for your whole body as they affect several of the many systems of your body at once.
You can further cultivate healing energy through becoming more aware of disease, disharmony or trauma in your body. Being aware of the presence of disease acknowledges it to your whole being which opens conscious and unconscious aspects of your body to heal. The message is acknowledged, sent and received. This further develops your conscious awareness, the ability to be present in your body and responsible for self.
Giving time for self examination and consideration for the state of your being is healing unto itself. It cultivates grace and increases your life force. Remember that you are a divine being. This act helps to dispel the fear that often surrounds illness. Know that you have choices and power to create change.
Set goals for your healing and disease reversal. Healing is often a process of reversing the impact of trauma on body systems. Explore different modalities and therapies that engage the wisdom of the body. Pace yourself with a slow, steady progress that allows time for your body to do the healing work you foster. Be patient and listen to what is inside. Healing is always present in many forms.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com The website’s Events schedule includes Tuesday night classes for energy workers. Please call ahead to join this group.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-08-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['healing'] },\n { id: 'jul14', title: 'Your Mind is a Healing Force', body: 'Your mind has amazing power to heal your body. We are living spirit; spirit in body and as such are a mix of both spiritual forces and matter. Your consciousness is what correlates who you are as a divine being with your experience of this physical reality. Your consciousness is capable of much more than you may realize.
At birth your consciousness joins with a physical body and is thereby influenced and limited by the ‘matter’ itself. However, your consciousness remains part of your spiritual essence and is not necessarily restricted to the three dimensions of matter. The problem is we often forget we are spiritual beings.
Consciousness is what connects everything in this reality. We communicate with each other and our environment not through matter, but vibratory patterns of energy; not particles, but waves. It is these waveforms that connect our consciousness with others, with the plants and animals and them with us. It is these waveforms that allow us also to heal ourselves. The energy of our thoughts, these waveforms affect the matter of our physical bodies.
It is now not mystery, myth or phenomena, scientific studies suggest that subatomic particles have consciousness. Communication between mind and body, consciousness and tissue, even at the subatomic level creates balance and health. This new science reveals the age-old mystery of the mind as a healing force. Consciousness can and does affect matter.
Meditation is one way of fostering the mind/body healing connection. Visualization is another way also of communicating health to diseased areas of your body. Consciously knowing that you are a divine being and as such perfect and whole, is another way. Health of your physical body, emotional and mental aspects is greatly enhanced and maintained through conscious connection with your divine spiritual essence. Let the power of your consciousness work for you.
If you are unable to resonate with any of the above mentioned techniques, try connecting with nature. Sit at the base of a large tree and feel the restorative waves of energy that emanate from its core. Experience yourself drawn to and merge with these waves. Allow yourself to become as strong and rooted as the tree and know that your essence is as one. You don’t have to ‘think’ this one; it just happens effortlessly but is just as powerful.
Waves of consciousness, the vibratory waves of molecular structure, the energy of nature and in fact all life is connected and communicates with the other. Let your awareness expand about what being alive and healthy in this world means. Empower yourself to investigate the many natural resources you and your world inherently possess for your whole health.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com The website’s Events schedule includes Tuesday night classes for energy workers. Please call ahead to join this group.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-07-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['healing'] },\n { id: 'jun14', title: 'Energy Medicine', body: 'Some people think that energy medicine is mysterious, but actually it is quite predictable and systematic. I have studied with shaman and indigenous medicine elders, and witnessed inexplicable phenomena, but mostly what I have learned is that energy medicine follows the rules and mechanics of this physical reality. It is scientifically based in principles of electromagnetism and quantum physics. You can call it your aura, your energy or electromagnetic field, or just your electrical system, it is all the same. I like to think of it as your electrical system because it helps to demystify it and explain its function and characteristics.
Healing for your electrical system occurs much in the same way as healing for your physical body. Your electrical system is just one of the many systems of your body, others being vascular, endocrine, skeletal, lymphatic, digestive, and nervous systems. All of these systems interrelate and there is an electrical component to each. Work for your electrical system does translate to better health for your physical body. Meditation is a form of self-help for your energy, so is yoga and chi gong. Beyond these great maintenance practices though, your electrical system can get damaged by trauma, ageing and environmental stresses, and needs repair.
Another person can repair your electromagnetic field which is your electrical system, but you normally cannot. As energy work is based in electromagnetism, the same principles apply. It takes another person’s electrical field to repair the damaged areas of your field. For example, if you think of the electromagnetic field of a magnet, it is self-contained. Another magnet can affect it, but the field of a magnet is constant and does not affect itself. It is possible though for a person to affect their own field through meditation or focused consciousness.
Repair for your electrical system mends the breaks and tears that occur in your aura which surrounds and permeates your body. Seven major energy vortices are part of your aura and help comprise your chakra system. It might help you to think of a chakra as an electrical junction or breaker box similar to that on your house. The meridians of your electrical system all tie into this figurative breaker box which is a chakra. Your seven major chakras have vibratory wiring just as a meridian does and they all tie into your spinal nerve. Your entire chakra system is a series of breaker boxes connected in low-frequency ranges by the wiring of your chakras and spinal nerve and in high-frequency ranges by the vibratory patterns manifest by the chakra vortices themselves. It is easy to see why this system is affected by other electromagnetic fields and by meditation. Your electrical field is all about flow and movement of energy; signals that communicate information to your central nervous system and other chakras.
Restoring your electrical system includes assessing the damage and making systematic repairs to chakras and meridians, and reconnecting broken wiring. I recently started another class to teach energy medicine. In 25 years of practice, I have taught several groups of people these basic skills. Almost everyone can do this work. Learning energy medicine does take patience and practice but most all art forms require a degree of dedication, how masterful you become is really up to you. I believe it is important to pass on this knowledge; it is ancient wisdom and a natural, non-invasive form of healing.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com The website’s Events schedule includes Tuesday night classes for energy workers. Please call ahead to join this group.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-06-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['energy'] },\n { id: 'may14', title: 'Energy: The life force of your body', body: 'Have you ever questioned “What am I really made of?” or,
“What is the true nature of my essence?”
In this age there is no mystery in knowing we are made of molecules, atoms and subatomic particles. But not long ago these things were unheard of. Science has helped us to understand the nature of our physical reality; spirituality helps us to understand the nature of our true essence. We can now realize our self as body, mind and spirit, or as native peoples have known for centuries, that we are a balance of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies. And there is a point where the scientific and the spiritual blend to deepen our understanding of each.
Science helps us to know our physical structure as molecules; atoms spinning in their obits around nuclei all creating an electromagnetic field. Science also tells us that all things are vibratory, that nothing is actually solid, matter is energy expressed in varying degrees of density or frequency.
So, our systems are vibratory. While the physical body seems real enough with heartbeat and blood flow, at its essence it exists as vibratory pattern. Brain activities, all tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations, which have come to be known as biomagnetic fields. ‘Biomagnetic’ means the fields are produced by the cellular activity of the body, although they are indistinguishable from and behave the same as electromagnetic fields. Seers, shaman and energy workers see these smaller fields as helping to form your chakra centers and the larger field surrounding your body called your aura.
Esoteric thought questions whether the body produces the energy fields or the energy field exists to manifest the body. This takes on a religious flavor questioning whether our consciousness exists beyond the physical and may even pre-exist the physical. Quantum mechanics reports a form of consciousness evident in sub-atomic particles that causes the behavior of the particle to change when it is being observed. This is important because it links consciousness with matter in its most basic form.
We should go to scientific fact here as well to understand a little more about how electromagnetic fields function and interact. Waveforms are the means by which information moves through an electromagnetic field. In other words, you communicate with your body through waveforms just as others communicate with you through waveforms. Sometimes the communication is as simple as a sound wave or emotional feeling. Each is a viable form of communication, one you hear with your ears and the other one you feel in your body. There are different types of electromagnetic waveforms or EMFs. They are light, sound, and gravity. The speed of light, 186,000 miles per second--equivalent to 7.5 times around the earth in 1 second--is our fastest-known form of communication, with laser light as the most coherent.
Your consciousness communicates via waveforms. You may know or have heard of people becoming aware of the death of a loved one from across the country or half-way around the world, before they were told. This is an example of how our consciousness is capable of communicating with others. It happens as if there were no time or space separating one person from another.
Waveforms act as signals, carrying information across electromagnetic fields such as those found in your body, or in radios, cell phones or other broadcasting systems. These waveforms can move through air, water, and space, since all these media comprise electromagnetic fields.
Waveforms store, synchronize and exchange information throughout your aura and your body. Your aura stores information about your life, your health and wellness in ‘energetic’ form. Our bodies are the vibratory repositories of the events of our lives.
When there is trauma in your life, you may notice it in your body as pain, emotional stress, confusion, or disease. Your body stores the waveforms of trauma in the electrical and physical components of your being. It is this ‘storage’ that contributes to disease, pain and disharmony.
Unraveling the mystery of our vibratory systems can lead to new ways of addressing health and wellness. Vibratory medicine includes many modalities that address the harmony and resonance of your body. Acupuncture is an ancient art that is experiencing resurgence in America given our growing awareness of the body’s electrical system; meridians and chakras. This is also true of Reiki, massage therapy and other methods of hands-on-healing.
Importantly, as we expand our consciousness to investigate both the scientific and esoteric realities of our essence, we have greater insight into the dynamics that contribute to illness and wellness. There are now choices for health that empower us toward self-care, realization and transformation. Our evolving wellness intrinsically stems from the harmony of our whole being where energy therapies can play an equal role along with allopathic care.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com The website’s Events schedule includes Tuesday night classes for energy workers. Please call ahead to join this group.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-05-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['energy'] },\n { id: 'apr14', title: 'Grounding', body: 'During my career and training as an energy worker I have learned skills for self-care that enhance my intuition, perception and increase my stamina. One of the primary skills I was taught to promote clarity was given by my Cherokee teacher CJ Whitedeer. It is the practice of grounding. Grounding keeps you in present time with power in the moment. It is a simple exercise, easy to do and takes only a few moments. The benefits are amazing and noticeable right away. It has been the single most important practice to increase my focus and improve my energy work. I believe it can help you to improve your quality of life as well.
Grounding is based on principles of electrical flow. As our body system is electrical and we live on a planet that has a large electromagnetic field, it is only practical to utilize this resource to enhance our wellbeing. Within an electrical system, the third wire is the ground. It is called this because it goes to earth. The same principle applies with lighting rods on buildings, a wire is run into the ground that allows the lightening strike to move into the earth and not damage the building. Within your human electrical system, learning to connect to earth’s electromagnetic field (EMF) helps your energy to remain stable and not be influenced by other people’s energy. This protects you and safeguards your system against larger and often traumatic energy fields, just as a lightening rod would.
EMF’s interact with and affect each other. Your aura is your electromagnetic field. It interacts with other people’s auras, the energy of events, objects that have EMFs, the earth and all other electromagnetic fields. The traditional way of thinking of your aura is as the energy manifest by your physical body and chakra centers, I also regard the energy of your consciousness as part of your aura.
All matter is composed of molecules of varying densities vibrating at varying rates. Within each molecule are atoms. Within each atom the motion of electrons around its nucleus creates electromagnetic fields and it is this creation of EMFs which lends density to matter. The strength of the electromagnetic field within the molecules determines the nature of the matter. Our bodies are a manifestation in part of the nature of matter and the EMFs matter creates.
I have found that grounding regularly has allowed me to be more aware of what is me and what is not me. I am no longer responding to other people’s agendas or reacting to events in a programmed response mode. A “program” operates or runs when a particular situation calls for a response. We learn early in life behavior patterns that work, a program is a behavior pattern or loop of consciousness. Programs are not necessarily of your own making, but also come from other people and their beliefs about you or the world. By doing this exercise you will know how to be fully present in each moment. This means that past response and behavior programs aren’t running. You are free to see clearly and choose a new course of action.
I have found that staying grounded is particularly beneficial in social situations especially around family members whose influence may be questionable. Being grounded allows me to be observant and interactive but not reactive. As regular practice grounding improves wellbeing by reducing stress, it stabilizes your emotions and it also promotes spiritual growth. Any time you seek to improve yourself or gain clarity you are growing spiritually.
Grounding is a good way to start your day, to reconnect during your day or end your day. Sleeping grounded enhances your rest. You may do this exercise standing, sitting or lying down. I particularly enjoy standing barefoot in green grass, but alas this winter has been a long one. Here is the exercise just as it was given to me by CJ Whitedeer:
Now ground yourself by connecting a cord of the finest gold firmly around your tailbone. Take that cord down into the center core of the earth and secure it there. Make sure your cord is firmly anchored in the earth. Open the small centers in the arches of your feet to take in the earth energy, bringing it up your legs all the way to the tailbone and back down that golden cord.
At the crown of your head envision a container of golden light pouring into you. Allow the golden light to divide into two streams of light going down each side of your spine. At the base of your spine, at first chakra, the golden light forms a ball. Take a thread of the golden cord that is wrapped around your tailbone and ties to the center of the earth, and connect it to the golden ball in first chakra. In this way heaven is connected to earth within you.
Let the golden light completely fill your physical body and all of your chakras. Experience the golden light overflowing out your crown filling your entire aura. Now as you bring your attention to your external surroundings, gently tip your head to release any excess of energy you may have accumulated.
The state of being grounded will usually last 4-6 hours. If you are like me though, you may have to initially repeat this exercise more often, at least the part where you attach a golden cord into the earth and bring the energy up and back down that golden cord. With repetition you will develop an awareness of what being grounded actually feels like. This is not visualization as much as it is an exercise where you work with and develop sensitivity to energy fields. You will feel the flow of the earth’s electromagnetic energy and your own energy as these fields interact. Grounding is a tangible, secure feeling which you become accustomed to and when it is not there, you will also know. You will know to repeat the exercise.
To hear more about CJ Whitedeer please listen to this interview by Jane Little, religious affairs correspondent for the BBC posting on Things Unseen: http://www.thingsunseen.co.uk/on-the-borderline/man-with-deer-eyes/. To purchase the CD—Cleanse of this exercise go to http://www.harmonyofwellness.com. CD also includes a chakra clearing exercise.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of your body and aligns your energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com. A group meditation schedule began in mid-March at LifeLight Center. Please call to join this group.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-04-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['healing'] },\n { id: 'mar14', title: 'Being the Mountain', body: 'I’ve just recently become a grandmother. It is a time of wonder and intense emotions, learning, inspiration and reflection. I’ve learned more about what really matters in life; love, relationships, connection; vs. possessions, money, status. I’ve been reflecting on what it was like to raise my own daughter and prepare her to meet life’s challenges. A child is so impressionable; ready to grow nurtured by everyone and everything. We now know so much more about early childhood development thanks to psychotherapy and neuroscience.
What forms and shapes our growing personality and body as a child includes, but is not limited to our experiences, our DNA and our brain development. I was so surprised to learn that our brain completely develops by the age of three. The brain develops from the bottom to the top (from the brain stem to the cortex), from the inside to the outside: 50% in the first year, 25% in the second year and 25% in the third year!
One part of our brain that is highly interconnected to many other parts is the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC). The role of the MPFC is extremely important in the regulation of fight/flight and the relaxation response system. It is responsible for attuned communication with others and emotional balance which results in less anger and anxiety. The ability to think before acting, insight, empathy and compassion for self and others also derive from this brain region. The ability to modulate fear, moral thinking and a working, conscious connection to mirror neurons in the gut and heart also derive from a well developed medial prefrontal cortex. Mirror neurons are active both when people perform an action and when they watch it being performed.
We now see violence more and more in our schools and anger and hostility in our children. Two factors stand out; a shift in parenting styles and a stressful home environment. Brain development is activated by a child’s environment and emotional relationships. The intricate, interactive, sensory dance between a child and his environment creates internal, molecular responses that organize and form the developing brain and the information that it contains.—Bruce Perry, 1996. Particularly important to development of the medial prefrontal cortex is a secure attachment relationship with parents.
Some enduring traits result from having secure attachment relationships and a well developed prefrontal cortex: the capacity for non-judgment and perspective taking, non-reactiveness; the ability to feel intense emotions but to not react emotionally, mindful awareness; being aware of what you are doing when you are doing it, and the ability to self-observe; being able to label and to verbally describe your internal states. These traits are clues for molding the personality of your child; the ancients realized this in their rearing of both religious leaders and royalty. They groomed their leaders for exactly these traits.
Your emotions develop in correlation to your developing brain. Your emotional body is the part of your energy system that forms relationships with others and determines safe relationships. While it may be a given that if you had attachment trauma as a child, you would have difficulty in relationship, it is heartening to know you can mature your brain through meditation and gain emotional and relationship balance. This is true for both children and adults. Meditation promotes continuing development of the brain. There are many styles of meditation from which to choose. It is often easy to begin with a guided meditation because it begins to train the mind toward deep states of relaxation and neural activity.
A friend of mine wrote this guided meditation for children, but I was struck by how much it resonated with me as well. I love the metaphor and can become immersed in the feeling of and beauty of the mountain. Thank you Gabrielle, I think this meditation is for all of us!
Mountain Meditation—Imagine that you are a very large and beautiful mountain, the tallest mountain ever, solid, firmly fixed on a bed of rock. Take time to notice how that feels in you. As a mountain, notice all the meadows, forests and flowers that are on the mountain, also the rivers, waterfalls and streams that play on you as they flow to the sea. Notice how solid you are and how strong. As you look at yourself, notice the seasons as they change. Notice spring with its soft new green leaves peeking out from the earth, and from branches. Notice that you do not change. You remain big and strong as you reach up into the clouds and watch them come and go. The summer comes and goes as does the fall. Then winter with its white snow, covers you, but you do not change. You remain solid and firm as you reach into the clouds. Notice how it feels to be so solid, so firmly planted, so strong, so big. Feel the sense of strength that mountain feels. With all the changes around and on a mountain, it remains fixed, solid, and strong. Notice how it feels to be that mountain. Stay with that feeling and live it.—Gabrielle Lawrence, Ph.D.
If being a mountain didn’t happen for you as a child, you can be one now and help your brain to develop and your mind to expand. As a parent, teacher or grandmother, you can help a child to attain greater peace in their life through meditation. Meditation is now being introduced into schools at all grade levels as a part of wellness programs.
A group meditation schedule will begin in mid-March at LifeLight Center. Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of the body and aligns the energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for more info and appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-03-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['community'] },\n { id: 'feb14', title: 'Creativity', body: 'What would winter in New Hampshire be without the kindness of friends and chocolate! I have so much appreciated the occasional invite to a friend’s house for tea or a puzzle. This is my first winter here in many years and I confess I am challenged by the cold and resulting inactivity. Fortunately, I had put off some projects for inside days that I am now getting to work on. Redoing my office ceiling in a creatively satisfying, if not gaudy way is one of them. Funny what springs forth from a sun-deprived brain! My ceiling is now a beautiful azure blue such as you would find on a cloudless July day. From the vantage point of my treatment table it is easy to imagine yourself lying in an open field under a canopy of blue sky. I think the addition of 100-year-old-gold-leaf crown molding found on Craig’s list to be the finishing touch.
Winter is a perfect time to be creative. As our minds are increasingly occupied now with the hope of spring, relief if often found in the expression of dreams. A creative project that draws on whimsy and plays with color is often just what the doctor ordered. Creativity is a healing force that especially impacts your joy, spontaneity and innocence. It is a quality of your second chakra.
Chakras, we all have them. They are what help to form your personality because these centers of consciousness all have an individual task within the whole system that is your energy system, your electrical system. Joy, creative self-expression and big dreams come from second chakra. When you are in balance in this chakra your creativity and imagination are unlimited. The wisdom of this chakra manifests early in life as well as late in life. It is the illusive wisdom of youth and age that allows you to know what is truly important and worth living for.
If you find yourself yearning for a creative project, know that it is an inner stirring to express your essence! When you work with second chakra energies you open to the dreams that inspire your life. Creativity allows you to manifest these dreams and bring into form your essence. Your second chakra or spleenic center is just to the left in your body over your spleen. The energies of this chakra help to keep your spleen and your immune system vital. A well developed and well used second chakra keeps your body healthy. A creative project done during a time of convalescence is a restorative, healing tonic. Keep in mind that this type of ‘creativity therapy’ is done to activate the energies of second chakra, not to produce a piece of artwork. It is the journey that counts not the end product.
Creativity is the predecessor of manifestation. Second chakra energies are a catalyst for developing your higher consciousness as well. The chakra system of your body has seven major centers or chakras encompassing both physical and spiritual. Each has a nature, a prime directive or task. The energy of your spiritual chakras guide you to evolve, to raise your consciousness to perceive the whole being you are in this world and to become what you truly believe.
Second chakra, your center of creativity, corresponds to fifth chakra, your center of manifestation. You might envision your seven major chakras in this way, the three physical chakras are in the lower part of your body and are of lower frequencies that correspond more to the physical function of tissues and organs, the three spiritual chakras are in the upper part of your body, they vibrate at higher frequencies and correspond to aspects of your higher consciousness and whole being. Your heart chakra is both a physical center and a spiritual center; it sits in the middle and is the transformer of physical energy into spiritual energy.
Second chakra and fifth chakra relate. Fifth chakra is located in your throat and is also a center for creativity, but as it is a spiritual center what you get here is manifestation, a higher form of creativity. Fifth Chakra is etheric in nature. This is where your physical energies transform into waves of sound and air. The energy body that surrounds your denser physical body is often referred to as your light body. Waves, frequency, oscillation, density, amplitude, vibrations and field, all describe aspects of light, sound and matter. We are beings of light, sound and matter vibrating at varying rates of frequency and density. As energy rises through your chakra system it also transforms. It vibrates clearer and faster as it rises. Your consciousness in fifth chakra is to know you are more than the physical body … to know yourself as a spiritual being … to live as a spiritual being.
Manifestation is one gateway to higher consciousness and in a very practical way it is also the antidote for fear. If you are in even a small way able to manifest your dreams, keep your body healthy or embody happiness, then as you work with these energies of creation your relationship to fear changes. If you are struggling to become someone in this world or leave a mark so to speak, consider this: let your true essence emerge in ordinary life, fulfill yourself and add one happy person to the planet. In doing just that you will have accomplished so much and please remember to let your creativity lead you!
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of the body and aligns the energy, nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for appointments at 603-852-8300 or visit online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-02-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['chakras'] },\n { id: 'jan14', title: 'The Face of Healing', body: 'The human body is a wonderful thing in the way it communicates with itself. It has its own internal wisdom which guides the release of trauma or disease and restores health to your whole body. Change in one aspect of yourself, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, will signal other aspects to identify and process related information so the whole body may heal. This innate wisdom is what guides self-actuated healing.
Healing is unique to each individual. You don’t have to manifest disease to maintain your wellness. Healing is a journey, a process of becoming aware of yourself from different perspectives. Healing takes many forms, but they all begin with your own innate desire for wellness and wholeness. A self-guided, self-actuated healing process centers on knowing yourself. You learn to look at disease within you and see it as a manifestation of disharmony throughout the larger network of your whole being. Wellness results from this process of restoring and maintaining health of body, mind and soul
Disease in the physical body is more easily identified because it is tangible, often palpable. Disease is harder to see in the emotional body, and harder still to identify in the spiritual body. For example, in the physical body disease usually has an identifiable pathology; usually a diagnosis from a medical doctor will help. You may work with a team of people in differing modalities to restore health. In the emotional body the roots of dysfunction are just as real and often require a reversal of behavior or emotional repatterning. You may work with a psychologist or psychiatrist. Spiritual disease may come from separation, loss or denial of self. You may work with a spiritual director or teacher. These things can all contribute to the same physical disease, but should receive attention individually to effectively release the disease. I see all of these things as interrelated; the energy of disharmony, trauma or disease in one aspect of yourself affects your whole being. The healing work I do addresses the energy and ‘wiring’ of your body. Repair to this energy system allows your body to then heal itself. This type of healing works well in conjunction with other types of care. Healing is not a single event; it is a process of restoring health to the many aspects of your whole being.
Put yourself in charge of your wellness. Get a broad perspective on your life and your illness in relationship to the big picture and then narrow the field to scope out the disharmony. You will be able to follow the threads of disharmony through the various aspects of yourself, your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, and track how they connect to each other. We live in a marvelous, extraordinary body! Understand the various systems of your body and how they work together. The body is redundant, what you may not be able to achieve with one system, you may reach with another. For example, if you cannot reach your desired level of weight or muscle development, you might need to strengthen your nervous system. Focus on nervous system development, would in turn allow for increased weight gain and muscle development. Athletes do this by learning to develop their brain’s right and left hemispheres in conjunction with their physical training; bilateral symmetry. Learning to do things differently grows new neural pathways, which in turn strengthens the nervous system. Getting plenty of protein or amino acids, allows your brain and nervous system to function as it should.
Learn about your energy system and the body/mind connection. You can learn to develop your vibratory awareness and to use your consciousness for greater wellness. Develop a support network of people that will engage you in meeting your goals. These people may be family members, friends, teachers or classmates.
Attributes to embody while healing yourself that incorporate aspects of your whole being:
Things to remember while healing yourself:
Overcoming your greatest challenges brings healing, not always for the targeted illness, but for your soul. You may come to view your disease as a guide to releasing the disharmony of your soul. We live in a world that responds and interacts with our thoughts and desires, let your consciousness and the consciousness of this world work together to complete your desire for wellness.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of the body and aligns the nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for appointments at 603-852-8300 or online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-01-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['healing'] },\n { id: 'dec13', title: 'Potential', body: 'This time of year is a great time to consider and envision the potential of many things. For as the days grow shorter toward the winter solstice, now we gravitate to the inside. We are more inside the house and more inside ourselves. There are things to remember and things to plan for as we enjoy our time inside and look to the return of light. Symbolically, we bring the light inside with decorations and shiny things and we illuminate ourselves as well through song, festivity and connection with loved ones. It is a time of knowing transformation through the soft quiet of new snow and the stillness of our own inner landscape. And now we are in anticipation of the first deep snow!
Potential is often that which is hidden, that which is waiting to be discovered or expressed. It has the power of the hidden mystery to entice, we know it is there, but we are yet to find it. Your potential lies within the essence of who you are. If you want to discover yours, look to the things that cry to be expressed in you and grant yourself the liberty to do so. Look to the things you love and bring you joy. Potential is a funny thing, you live with it all the time, see it easily in others and search to uncover it in yourself. It reminds me of the saying “You can’t see the forest for the trees.” You find your potential by knowing who you are, assessing your strengths and weaknesses and molding them into your optimal self. This may not be just personal potential, but also consider the potential for involvement in groups, community efforts, lifestyle changes, leadership roles, and transformational growth for yourself and others.
A friend recently said to me, “I am the kind of person that things just happen to, but you Rosie, are the person that things happen because you make them happen.” Wow! If he can see that, then he can make magic as well.
No matter what your age, you have potential. Transcend the illusion of the everyday and ‘re-vision’ yourself. Project yourself a year from now, 5 years, and 10 years. Are you doing the things you want to be doing? Are your energies being given to directions that fit your passion and fulfill your essence? You may not have, and probably do not have the best of all circumstances, but regardless of what you have, you always have the potential for a tailor-made life. You can manifest a plan to achieve what you see for yourself a year from now, or ten years from now. Utilize your strengths to create a life that is fulfilling and right for you, one that truly fits your vision of self and fulfills your purpose. This is a time of deep sleep and dreaming, so why not dream to fulfill? You will uncover not only your potential, but your avocation as well.
The first part of my life I learned to create the illusion, the second part I learned to live the illusion. By that I mean to live the magic of life that is not the ordinary reality, but that which only comes through self-expression.
The first part of my life I was a costume designer for theatre and dance, creating a world of color and emotion through visual projection. How well I created this illusion equaled the level of credibility for my audience and their entry into the magical realm of illusion. The stage is not much different than ordinary reality, really only in that the illusion you create in ordinary reality is the path you walk. Healing work is now my avocation and my path.
One of the people I admire for the use of their potential is Diana Vreeland. She was a fashion icon, a noted columnist and editor in the field of fashion. Someone who soared on her belief in self, who had little formal education and never any wealth of her own, but knew how to make wealth and beauty and did. She worked for the fashion magazines Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue and as a special consultant at the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
“I believe in the dream. I think we only live through our dreams and imagination. That’s the only reality we ever know.” –Diana Vreeland. Her personal mantra: \"Style: All who have it share one thing — originality.\" May we all be as original in expressing our potential as DV.
The last big hurdle is fear. After we have a better sense of who we are and what we want in life . . . our potential, then what keeps us from that is largely fear. Often just the fear of the unknown! We are taught to be afraid and this is a program that is hard to overcome. You can take this in small steps if you want to, but start taking the steps. Teach yourself to believe in your dreams and to plan for and manifest them in your life. Allow yourself to express your inner self in the outer world, find a way to participate in the magic of this reality and create magic in your own life. Pull a little bit of energy from here and a little bit from over there and mix it up to make something new.
So as you journey within and dream yourself into the light of the New Year . . . new self. . . new beginning, I hope you meet your potential, dance with it awhile and manifest yourself anew with the potential of your whole being.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of the body and aligns the nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for appointments at 603-852-8300 or online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2013-12-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['transformation'] },\n { id: 'nov13', title: 'Connections', body: 'My journey has always included passion, a search for what is missing and deep connections to others. Each of us has motivating forces that guide our passage through life. Our lifestyles, friends and family reflect that passage as well as shape our progress. For me as an energy healer, connection takes on many subtle meanings. Connection in our energy system means flow of life force, expansion of function and awareness. It provides the foundation for deeper healing and growth. So much of my healing work is about finding and repairing broken connections so a person may attain flow. In a broader and more general sense, ‘connections’ within life are not much different.
My perception of self is challenged currently as a reflection of my connection to friends and family. My recent relocation to this area has separated me from many of my long-time friends. While new friendships are fun to make, they do not simply replace the comfort found in the easy embrace of familiar faces and shared experiences.
Connections help to define you as a person and reflect back the ‘you’ that is seen by others. This even helps you to know yourself through the ‘feedback’ of others. Do they see you as you see yourself or intend to be known? One of my biggest surprises here is that my new friends do not necessarily treat me with the same level of kindness or respect. Allowing for the cultural differences and ‘newcomer’ status to wear off will help, but still it causes me to ask “How am I different here than whom I was there?” Perhaps I’ve slipped a little in my expression of self, integrity, compassion; somehow the changes in me are not being transmitted in the current package. In any case, the feedback is helpful.
Connections aren’t just about you either, they can be about being a part of something, a common purpose or goal that can only be achieved by many hearts and hands. Connections lend opportunities for security, balance, purpose, expression, direction and competition. You only need to join a group or volunteer for a cause to experience this.
My connection to family is what brought me back to New Hampshire. I share a history of being born and living in this valley with many generations of my family. What I have inherited from the ‘blood’ of my ancestors who pioneered here manifests in me as kinship with the land. Of all the places I have lived, there is nowhere else that brings me peace of mind and grace to my soul like Keene! I believe this comes from connection with forces that have guided me home, and perhaps unconscious or higher-conscious wisdom charting a life of greater harmony in an environment that resonates with my essence.
The Lakota people call it ‘mitakue oyasin’, which loosely translated means ‘all my relations.’ This is the energy of connection which manifests through everyone and is expressed in our relationship to one another, our ancestors, the plants and animals, and the land. ‘Mitakue oyasin’ is the tangible expression of ‘oneness’, the interconnectedness of all things.
Relationships take on a sense of family connection, especially long-time ones as they hold intimacy and a history of shared experiences. These can be friendships, work relationships and romantic relationships. We grieve the loss of these connections as we would a piece of ourselves. The person we perceive ourselves to be alone and the person we are when we are connected to others is different. Connection is such an amazing phenomenon as it is a sharing on so many levels. Connection in relationship allows you to mature emotionally through interaction, gives a sense of belonging, opens your heart to embrace others and exercise compassion. If your connection is to a group or cause you may find a level of passion in your involvement. Connection to others does open your heart, but there are even more kinds of connection where the relationship opens physical and intellectual levels of exchange and competition. Connection is a vehicle by which we know ourselves, grow ourselves and creatively know others.
Children are bright points of connection! They are our teachers through their innocent perspective of reality. Like small Buddhas blessing the world with their energy of joy, spontaneity, laughter and wisdom. Who wouldn’t want to connect to this energy of birth and rebirth? Children hold our conscious and unconscious hope for the future and potential for dreams fulfilled. This is a connection to an eternal cycle of regeneration in all of us.
So what feeds connection? Is it the need for recognition or exchange? A sense of definition; “by knowing you I then know what I am not?” Is it power? Is it ‘need’ itself? Could it be a universal force that defines our very nature? Or as the Lakota see it, a part of our deep understanding of origin, our own knowing of our greater self as connected to all things.
An instinctual yearning to return to origin does drive my passage in life and the simple act of connection; aligning with individual and collective energies does help unravel the mystery of that yearning. We are often distracted by the myriad of paths before us and fail to see the commonality of the interconnections. Let connections fill your life and motivate your purpose.
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of the body and aligns the nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for appointments at 603-852-8300 or online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2013-11-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['community'] },\n { id: 'oct13', title: 'Anticipation', body: 'I’m expecting my first grandchild! I’m 62 now, so this is a big deal for me, only one child myself. I feel this baby is a miracle in my life as much he is for my daughter. The time is quite near for the birth and probably as you read this, my baby grandson will have emerged. I feel we have been dreaming this child into reality for some time now. And there are so many hopes and prayers . . . and anticipation of what will be.
I believe the term is ‘rite of passage,’ how we move from one segment of knowing who we are into the next. These are the doorways that mark change for us individually and collectively as a family or tribe. Usually this ‘rite’ involves the letting go of past, or self, or expectation, and surrendering to a divine, inexplicable force that shapes our essence for the next stage of knowing. We all have these doorways, these moments in life where once you step through, everything changes. The threshold is rich with excitement and anticipation. This is the point where what you think you know may not be valid once you go through the doorway.
You are never too young or too old, in fact at every age there are ‘rites’ that transform our consciousness and instill the next level of knowing. As a child, it could be learning that Santa doesn’t really exist, or suddenly getting a new little baby brother. As a teen, your first crush or learning about real relationships, perhaps you discover desire or ambition. Certainly as adults, having a family and meeting those responsibilities changes you, but there are also many more growth opportunities that come disguised as challenges. And with the elderly, I understand that just the ageing process alone is a ‘rite unto itself.’ With age comes true wisdom and who better to guide you through a ‘rite of passage’ than a grandmother or grandfather?
Most indigenous cultures have coming-of-age puberty rituals. These are rituals that acknowledge growth and assist not just the initiate, but the whole tribe in releasing the spirit of the old and welcoming the spirit of the new. Despite the lack of such ceremonies in white cultures, we still seek that threshold of transformation. We are all spiritual beings and know when it is time to change; time to go deeper in the knowing of self and path to follow.
I believe there is a responsive aspect within the divine consciousness of all creation that completes our transformation process. As we come to acknowledge within ourselves, and can be aware of our own growth, divine consciousness is already there with us, responding with our own individual ‘rite of passage.’ A response timed right ushering us into greater knowing and fulfilling ways of being.
If you are feeling kind of stuck where you are and don’t seem to have the progress you anticipate, there are a few ways to help yourself get to the threshold of a ‘rite of passage.’ You can begin by looking at the energy in your life. Is it stressful and chaotic? Do you have lots of unfinished business? Do you rely on others a lot? Do you have time for yourself? If you see yourself anywhere in this scenario, begin your preparations. Create harmony for yourself by practicing a peaceful emotional relationship with yourself, others and your surroundings. Take care of loose ends by finishing up past projects and making amends with people whom you have disagreements. Make decisions from your own sense of right and responsibility. Be well acquainted with your own path, passion for life and reason for being. Remember that you are a divine being living in a physical body, nurture yourself by pausing to take in the world around you, the beauty of nature, the joy of children and the peace that going within can offer.
As the energy of your life begins to shift and clear you will notice a greater connection to the physical world around you. You may also notice that you are in a harmonious relationship with this world. Now you are ready. Do not discount the moment when divine consciousness responds to your growth by giving you another doorway to step through. Know you have then been initiated. You may choose to mark the occasion with something that acknowledges the inner change outwardly. In this way, by creating a visual shift in your appearance, you see yourself differently and others will as well.
Change is the only constant ushering in transformation as an essential part of our wholeness individually, as a community and globally. I hope that the sweetness of grace will accompany you on your journey! And for my sweet child and grandchild I pray the angels spread their wings around your birthing moment to bless and guide your safe entry into this world. Welcome little one!
Rose Carey is the founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies. She is sensitive to and repairs the energy pathways of the body and aligns the nervous and muscular/skeletal systems. Call for appointments at 603-852-8300 or online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2013-10-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['transformation'] },\n { id: 'sep13', title: 'Cycles of Transformation', body: 'Ahhh. . . we are witnessing the ending of another summer, the first tinges of color on the swamp maples and the scurry of man and animal to gather the harvest before winter. What beauty there is in the seasons of New England, each one marking a cycle of specific activity and relationship to nature. Right now the summer sweetness is still fresh with the hope of a few last days of ‘hot’, one more day at the beach or picnic by the lake. I’m hoping for a couple more kayak paddles down a lazy stream, just the elixir I need to store away and savor on some dreary day in winter.
It’s a time of transition; fall is, lingering a little in the outgoing, robust march of summer and then rushing into the scurry of preparing for winter. Soon brilliant red, orange and yellow will burst from maple, oak and birch. How clear this time of change is to witness, it’s not subtle but loud. “Get ready, here it comes … change.”
I sometimes wish I had the same easy knowing of the transformational cycles that move within me. I wish that there would be a clear sign to announce a cycle of healing, growth or gestation, or one of restoration or manifestation. So I could recognize the sign and respond with preparedness. There are parallels between the rhythms of our bodies and the rhythms of the earth, these are transformational cycles that move us through the seasons of man to mature and reflect on our bounty.
You and I don’t necessarily follow the same patterns of transformation though, my signs might not mean the same to you. They are subtle and different. Often these cycles are an individual stirring, unique to the timing of just you. Does it happen now or will it wait for another season? Have you ripened enough or observed or desired enough or perhaps been still long enough to catch your wave of transformation and ride it to its crest?
What do we need for our journey? Gather, sort and pack away what is relevant, what memory might lighten the spirit in a glum moment, what ability allows you to be right here, right now, what roadmap have you made for yourself for this journey and are you ready for the unexpected? Attitude, not instinct necessarily, is what brings us to the transformational adventure. Do we hold ourselves in doubt, or acknowledge that change is the only constant and joyfully step into that challenge?
We are poised again at the change of another season, summer to fall which marks the transition of earth into winter. Each season is new, unfolding in its mystery and deepens us to natural rhythms. There is no set time for renewal or reflection in our personal cycles of transformation, but rather the readiness to respond to the opportunity. Winter will follow fall, but it may be a new and different season, a rhythm of personal transformation, not dormancy. Nature gives us a boost as she does with all the seasons. A boost that is in harmony with the energy surrounding us, that nudges us to move within, move deeper. As we follow the sun as it transitions from its now diminished position through its journey toward being renewed; light to dark, back to light again, look also for your personal signs that guide you to deeper healing and transformation.
Rose Carey is founder of the newly opened LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies including: aura intuitive diagnoses sessions and rehabilitative muscular/skeletal realignment. Call for appointments at 603-852-8300 or online at www.lifelightcenterllc.com
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2013-09-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['transformation'] },\n { id: 'aug13', title: 'You and Your Community', body: 'Small towns in New England are wonderful and Keene is no exception. They are alive with activity and socialability. The downtown area is a great place to take in the essence of any small town. When I go downtown, I see people walking up and down Main Street, greeting each other, mingling, exchanging laughter, and I think of how we are all interconnected. Here in Keene, life is so much more personal than a larger place. It is quite ordinary that you would know the shop owner, the waitress or bank teller. This atmosphere generates a great sense of community awareness and interconnectedness.
Lots of communication happens within this atmosphere as well. It doesn’t have to be conversation, but it could be. Just think of the connection you feel with the faces you meet, eyes that tell a story or the energy of young people walking together. There is a lot to see and take in about life here.
Now think about how you are reflected in the eyes of those you see. What they feel and observe about you. This is interconnectedness. It is a sense that we do not live as isolated beings, but rather share energy and knowledge if only minimally through our experience of each other.
You may have heard of certain theories of quantum physics that describe how matter behaves differently when it is observed. Science may predict it to behave one way, but because it is observed by the scientist, the behavior changes. This is a phenomenon of consciousness or interconnectedness even at the level of subatomic particles. This behavior also implies that all matter, all energy has interconnectedness.
It may be fine to know that science views subatomic reality as interconnected with the consciousness of our minds, but take another leap and see how you are interconnected with your community through the vibrations of your consciousness. You share a connection to the greater whole of your community and are intrinsic to the wellbeing of that whole. You may only see or reflect a smile in passing on your walk downtown, but know that ultimately what happens to you happens to me, and what happens to me happens to you. We are all interconnected. Being aware that you are a part of your community and world in this way may help you to see yourself differently. How you are and what you do in the moment does matter.
Rose Carey is founder of LifeLight Center on Washington Street in Keene. She has 22 years of private practice in energy medicine and holistic body therapies.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2013-08-01', type: 'shopperNews', categories: ['community'] },\n { id: 'deereyes', title: 'Man with Deer Eyes', body: 'by Jane Little former religious affairs correspondent for the BBC posting on Things Unseen
Friday, February 21, 2014
He rarely talks about his spiritual beliefs, and much prefers to spend time with his Creator (whom he calls “Grandfather”) alone in the Arizona desert. Yet in this rare interview, CJ Whitedeer, Cherokee medicine man and the tribe’s only White Priest, has welcomed Jane Little to his “homecoming circle” in Arizona, providing extraordinary insights into some of the stories, beliefs and practices that are part of Native American spirituality.
We hear about the astonishing Cherokee creation story, which holds that the tribe came to Earth from the Pleiades; how they revere a figure who in many ways strongly resembles Jesus; and how CJ himself sometimes sees the world through the eyes of a deer, even though he stops short of what he says he has also witnessed: the full transformation of a man into a wolf.
CJ Whitedeer also tells Jane why his feelings about Christ are much more positive than those about Christianity at large; and how he feels about the many non-Native Americans and Europeans who flock to Arizona to seek his help.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-02-21', categories: [], type: 'other' },\n { id: 'aura', title: 'Aura and Electromagnetic Fields', body: 'Your Aura is an electromagnetic field of energy which surrounds and permeates your body. It functions to regulate, archive, transmit and receive information in waveforms. It communicates with its many parts in ways that your conscious mind is not aware of.
In simple terms, the human Aura coalesces into seven frequency ranges or layers surrounding your body. Your physical body is three-dimensional matter; the lowest frequency range. All your electromagnetic chakra structures anchor into your physical body. Each chakra is designed to both send and receive energy functioning as communication centers as well as energy centers each with their own role.
The nature of consciousness is vibratory and it is five-dimensional. The traditional way of thinking of Aura is as the energy manifest by your physical body and chakra centers, I also regard the energy of your consciousness as part of your Aura.
An electromagnetic field (EMF) is a multi-dimensional field created by moving electrically-charged objects.
All matter is composed of molecules of varying densities vibrating at varying rates. Within each molecule are atoms. Within each atom the motion of electrons around its nucleus creates electromagnetic fields and it is this creation of EMFs which lends density to matter. The strength of the electromagnetic field within the molecules determines the nature of the matter. Solid matter is mostly open space. It’s the interaction of the electromagnetic fields, and the various strengths of those fields that cause some solids to be denser than others.
Waveforms act as signals, carrying information across electromagnetic fields such as those found in your body, or in radios, cell phones or other broadcasting systems. These waveforms can move through air, water, and space, since all these media comprise EMFs. Waveforms in your body move through the water of your tissues and fluids and through your nervous system. The average adult body is 50-65% water, with infants much higher, around 75-78% water. Along with other EMF’s in your body, biochemical factors create waveforms, which communicate between your brain and your body's skeletal, electrical, vascular, endocrine, lymphatic, digestive, and nervous systems.
Types of waveforms are light, sound, and gravity. The speed of light, 186,000 miles per second--equivalent to 7.5 times around the earth in 1 second--is our fastest-known form of communication, with laser light the most coherent. The wonder of our aura is that it communicates in light waveforms and is itself light.
Trauma is a waveform or collection of waveforms that affect the electromagnetic field, the aura of your body. When trauma or disharmony happens in your life, it reflects throughout your being and is stored in your aura as low-frequency interference patterns. You may notice the long-term effect of this in your physical body as pain, emotional stress, confusion, or disease.
Stored trauma may ultimately affect communication within the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual aspects of your being. Trauma is an interference pattern that creates ‘dull’ areas of light which reduce the reflectivity and resonance of your aura. Trauma can damage, create tears, breaks or fractures to the shell that contains the aura or to the chakras and meridians themselves.
Trauma at any age may cause damage to your energetic and physical structures. Trauma for a child often forces them into ‘survival mode.’ This means that the event of trauma and coping mechanisms for survival become sublimated and are often not remembered. Children know reality or wellness through their immediate environment. When that is not normal, their only other point of reference is their own internal wisdom. Typical forms of trauma for children that often cause damage are sexual and emotional abuse, either in singular or repetitive circumstances.
Subtle energies are discernible to your conscious perception as patterns of light, sound and resonance. Meditation heightens this perception.
Primordial Waveforms are energies that give definition to matter and consciousness. Primordial Waveforms originate from the ‘oneness’ and are a form of consciousness. There are three known Primordial Waveforms: Essence of Origin, Free Will and Inspiration.
The following are examples of subtle energies and the particular Primordial Waveforms from which they arise:
These subtle energies below arise from the interdependence of Primordial Waveforms and are discernible in ordinary reality:
Harmonious Perfection is the energy that science calls the Higgs-boson or ‘God particle.’ It is energy specific to sub-atomic interaction.
', customFooter: '', publish_date: '2014-02-21', categories: [], type: 'other' },\n ]\n})*/;});","define(\"life-light-web/models/articles\", [\"exports\", \"ember-data\"], function (exports, _emberData) {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _emberData[\"default\"].Model.extend({\n\t\tarticleId: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n\t\ttitle: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\")\n\t});\n});","define(\"life-light-web/models/associate\", [\"exports\", \"ember-data\"], function (exports, _emberData) {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _emberData[\"default\"].Model.extend({\n\t\tname: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n\t\tdescription: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n\t\turi: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\")\n\t}) /*.reopenClass({\n FIXTURES: [\n {\n id: 1,\n name: \"Harmony of Wellness\",\n description: \"As part of LifeLight Center, Harmony of Wellness LLC is an educational organization that extends concepts for healing to a greater audience. Current teachings include the Aligned-Essence Wellness Series, meditative self-healing CD's and books.
Teach workshops in your area through our Teacher Certification program.
\",\n uri: \"http://harmonyofwellness.com/\"\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n name: \"Steven Helpern\",\n description: \"Steven Halpern is an award-winning composer, recording artist and producer whose healing music has helped millions worldwide to experience the blessings and benefits of deep relaxation and inner peace.
\",\n uri: \"http://www.innerpeacemusic.com/\"\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n name: \"Arizona Enneagram Association\",\n description: \"The Arizona Enneagram Association (AEA) was formed by a group of dedicated Enneagram teachers in the fall of 2008 in order to expand the foundational work that had been done in the past in bringing the teachings of the Enneagram to the residents of Arizona.
\",\n uri: \"http://azenneagram.com/\"\n },\n {\n id: 4,\n name: \"The Healing Light Center\",\n description: \"A modern mystery school, the Crucible Program trains medical practicioners along with others from varying professions in the tradition of the healing arts. Classes and workshops are held around the world in a fashion that allows students to train when and where they can.
\",\n uri: \"http://rosalynlbruyere.org/\"\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n name: \"Debra Mahan\",\n description: \"JRM Management, Healthcare Consulting, San Antonio, Texas
\",\n uri: \"http://www.linkedin.com/pub/debra-mahan/4/a3/870\"\n },\n {\n id: 6,\n name: \"Anita Pietrofitta\",\n description: \"L.Ac, Dipl. Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), Owner, Healing Arts Center, Tahoe City, CA
Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, Practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Doctoral Candidate
RN, owner of Joystream Health LLC, Holistic Health, Reiki, Healing Touch
\",\n uri: \"http://joystream.net/\"\n },\n {\n id: 8,\n name: \"Gabrielle Lawrence\",\n description: \"Ph.D., Psychologist, Presenter, Trainer, Coach in Phoenix, Arizona\",\n uri: \"http://www.health4relationships.com/\"\n }\n ]\n })*/;\n});","define(\"life-light-web/models/category\", [\"exports\", \"ember-data\"], function (exports, _emberData) {\n exports[\"default\"] = _emberData[\"default\"].Model.extend({\n name: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n description: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\")\n });\n});\n// periodicals: DS.hasMany(\"periodical\", {async: true})","define('life-light-web/models/droid', ['exports', 'ember-data'], function (exports, _emberData) {\n exports['default'] = _emberData['default'].Model.extend({\n type: _emberData['default'].attr('string'),\n model: _emberData['default'].attr('string')\n });\n});","define('life-light-web/models/humanoid', ['exports', 'ember-data'], function (exports, _emberData) {\n exports['default'] = _emberData['default'].Model.extend({\n name: _emberData['default'].attr('string'),\n isJedi: _emberData['default'].attr('boolean'),\n droids: _emberData['default'].hasMany('droid')\n });\n});","define('life-light-web/models/tag', ['exports', 'ember-data'], function (exports, _emberData) {\n exports['default'] = _emberData['default'].Model.extend({\n // belongsTo: DS.attr('article', {async: true}),\n text: _emberData['default'].attr('string')\n });\n});","define(\"life-light-web/models/testimonial\", [\"exports\", \"ember-data\"], function (exports, _emberData) {\n exports[\"default\"] = _emberData[\"default\"].Model.extend({\n testimonial: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n signature: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n bonaFida: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n location: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n isApproved: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"nullable-boolean\")\n }) /*.reopenClass({\n FIXTURES: [\n { id: 1, testimonial: 'As a psychologist certified in Somatic Experiencing work, I have studied and been involved in the field of Energy Medicine for some time. I have worked with Rosie Carey as a student and client and find her knowledge and application of the theory and practice of Energy Medicine to be extraordinary. She is teacher and practitioner and excels as both. Her understanding of the energy systems of the body and ability to bring healing and balance to them is a gift for all who work with her.', signature: 'Gabrielle Lawrence, Ph.D.', bonaFida: 'Licensed Psychologist', location: 'Phoenix, AZ' },\n { id: 2, testimonial: 'Rosie has been the driving force for my healing journey. The sessions with her build upon each other and accelerate the transformation to a healthy balanced body. I have and continue to be a very fortunate recipient of her abilities.', signature: 'Somer Starr Osinski', location: 'Phoenix, AZ' },\n { id: 3, testimonial: 'I have been a healthcare worker/therapist for thirty-four years and have seen a multitude of therapists and body workers, professionally and personally. I knew from the first session that Rosie and her work were different and I had been led to the next level of my growth. I have referred my dearest friends and clients to her so they may move forward as well!', signature: 'Susan Neva L.P.N., C.C.T.', bonaFida: 'Reiki Master, Tong Ren Therapist, Homeopath', location: 'Boston, MA' },\n { id: 4, testimonial: 'Rosie’s abilities as an energy healer are a priceless aspect of anyone’s journey toward regaining and maintaining health, especially when dealing with reestablishing balance after trauma.', signature: 'Anita Pietrofitta', bonaFida: 'M.S., L.Ac., Dipl.O.M.', location: 'San Francisco, CA'},\n { id: 5, testimonial: 'Rosie has such a depth and breadth of knowledge and expertise. There is nothing better than the feeling and lasting healing results when one leaves her session. She is a true gift to humanity.', signature: 'Glenyss Lim', bonaFida: 'RN Holistic Healer and Personal Growth Facilitator', location: 'Phoenix, AZ' },\n { id: 6, testimonial: 'Rosie should be considered a National Treasure for her amazing healing skills—from spinal balancing to Neuromuscular Therapy to Divine Energy Healing, which has provided transformational healing for me and for many others well known to me. In her capable hands, you can trust that relief is on the way.', signature: 'Diane Stallings', bonaFida: 'RN, Joystream Health LLC', location: 'Phoenix, AZ' },\n { id: 7, testimonial: 'Well you were certainly right. I do have a lot of energy now after your treatment and I am not sure what to do with all of it.', signature: 'Henrietta Flores', location: 'Keene, NH' }\n ]\n })*/;\n});","define(\"life-light-web/models/userview\", [\"exports\", \"ember-data\"], function (exports, _emberData) {\n exports[\"default\"] = _emberData[\"default\"].Model.extend({\n key: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n description: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"string\"),\n value: _emberData[\"default\"].attr(\"number\")\n });\n});","define('life-light-web/router', ['exports', 'ember', 'life-light-web/config/environment'], function (exports, _ember, _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment) {\n\n var Router = _ember['default'].Router.extend({\n location: _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment['default'].locationType\n });\n\n Router.map(function () {\n this.route('home', { path: \"/\" });\n this.route('services');\n this.route('energy');\n this.route('articles', { resetNamespace: true }, function () {\n this.route('article', { resetNamespace: true, path: '/:article_id' }, function () {\n this.route(\"edit\");\n });\n this.route('create', { path: '/create' });\n });\n this.route('credentials');\n this.route('associates');\n this.route('testimonials');\n this.route('pressurepoint');\n this.route('sitemap');\n this.route('workshop');\n this.route('login');\n this.route('page-not-found', { path: '/*wildcard' });\n this.route('payments');\n });\n\n exports['default'] = Router;\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/application', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/application-route-mixin'], function (exports, _ember, _emberSimpleAuthMixinsApplicationRouteMixin) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend(_emberSimpleAuthMixinsApplicationRouteMixin['default'], {\n setupController: function setupController(controller, model) {\n controller.set(\"model\", model);\n\n this.store.findAll(\"userview\").then(function (views) {\n controller.set(\"userviews\", views);\n }, function (message) {\n _ember['default'].Logger.info(\"Data error: \" + message);\n });\n\n controller.set(\"count\", -1);\n },\n\n actions: {\n didTransition: function didTransition() {\n this.incrementProperty(\"controller.count\");\n },\n\n showModal: function showModal(name, model) {\n this.render(name, {\n into: \"application\",\n outlet: \"modal\",\n model: model\n });\n },\n\n removeModal: function removeModal() {\n this.disconnectOutlet({\n outlet: 'modal',\n parentView: 'application'\n });\n }\n },\n\n events: {\n goToLink: function goToLink(item, anchor) {\n var elem$ = _ember['default'].$(anchor);\n var scrollTo$ = _ember['default'].$('body').scrollTop(elem$.offset().top);\n\n this.transitionToRoute(item.route).then(scrollTo$); //.transitionTo is depricated\n }\n },\n\n sessionInvalidated: function sessionInvalidated() {\n var currentRoute = this.controllerFor('application').get('currentRouteName');\n\n if (currentRoute === 'article.index') {\n window.location.reload();\n } else {\n this._super();\n }\n }\n });\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/article', ['exports', 'ember', 'life-light-web/mixins/reset-scroll'], function (exports, _ember, _lifeLightWebMixinsResetScroll) {\n\texports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend(_lifeLightWebMixinsResetScroll['default'], {\n\t\tsession: _ember['default'].inject.service(),\n\n\t\tsetupController: function setupController(controller, model) {\n\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"model\", model);\n\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"articles.articleType\", model.get(\"type\"));\n\t\t\tcontroller.send(\"persistIfLatest\");\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tbeforeModel: function beforeModel(transition) {\n\t\t\tif (!this.get('session.isAuthenticated')) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.set('session.attemptedTransition', transition);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tafterModel: function afterModel(article /*, transition*/) {\n\t\t\tif (!!!article) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.transitionTo(\"article\", this.store.findAll(\"article\").get(\"lastObject\"));\n\t\t\t} /* else {\n var type = article.get(\"type\");\n article.set(\"controller.articles.articleType\", articleType);\n }*/\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tmodel: function model(params) {\n\t\t\tif (params.article_id) {\n\t\t\t\treturn this.store.findRecord(\"article\", params.article_id);\n\t\t\t\t// return this.store.queryRecord(\"article\", { filter: { articleId : params.article_id }});\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn this.store.findAll(\"article\").get(\"firstObject\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n});","define(\"life-light-web/routes/articles/create\", [\"exports\", \"ember\"], function (exports, _ember) {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _ember[\"default\"].Route.extend({\n\t\tsetupController: function setupController(controller, model) {\n\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"model\", model);\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tmodel: function model() {\n\t\t\tvar article = this.store.createRecord(\"article\", {\n\t\t\t\ttype: \"shopperNews\",\n\t\t\t\tsubType: \"shopperNews\"\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\treturn article;\n\t\t}\n\n\t});\n});\n/*\trenderTemplate: function(controller, model) {\n\t\tvar articleController = this.controllerFor(\"article\");\n\t\t// this.render(\"components/article-editor\", { outlet: \"post\" });\n\t\tthis.render(\"articles/create\", { controller: articleController });\n\t\t// this.render(\"components/article-editor\");\n\t}*/","define(\"life-light-web/routes/articles\", [\"exports\", \"ember\"], function (exports, _ember) {\n\t// import jqCookie from '../mixins/jq-cookie';\n\n\t// export default Ember.Route.extend(jqCookie, {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _ember[\"default\"].Route.extend({\n\t\tsession: _ember[\"default\"].inject.service(),\n\n\t\tsetupController: function setupController(controller, model) {\n\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"model\", model);\n\n\t\t\tthis.store.findAll(\"category\").then(function (items) {\n\t\t\t\tvar categories = items.mapBy(\"name\");\n\t\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"categoryList\", categories);\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\tthis.store.findAll(\"tag\").then(function (tags) {\n\t\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"tagList\", tags);\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t/*\t\tvar bookmarkId = controller.get(\"article.bookmarkId\");\n \t\tthis.set(\"bookmarkId\", bookmarkId);\n \t\tif(bookmarkId !== undefined) {\n \t\t\tthis.transitionTo(\"article\", bookmarkId);\n \t\t}\n */\n\t\t\tvar bookmarkId;\n\t\t\t// if ((bookmarkId = controller.get(\"bookmarkId\")) && !!!this.paramsFor('article').anchor) {\n\t\t\tif ((bookmarkId = controller.get(\"bookmarkId\")) && !!!this.paramsFor('article').article_id) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.transitionTo(\"article\", bookmarkId);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tmodel: function model() /*params*/{\n\t\t\treturn this.store.findAll(\"article\");\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tactions: {\n\t\t\tdeleteTag: function deleteTag(tag) {\n\t\t\t\ttag.destroyRecord();\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\n\t\t\t\tvar self = this;\n\t\t\t\tvar articlesController = this.controllerFor('articles');\n\t\t\t\tarticlesController.get('tagList').findBy('id', id.toString()).destroyRecord().then(function () {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.store.findAll(\"tag\").then(function (tags) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tarticlesController.set(\"tagList\", tags);\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t/*\t\t\tthis.get('store').find('tag', id).then(function(tag) {\n \t\t\t\ttag.destroyRecord();\n \t\t\t});\n */\n\t\t\t},\n\n\t\t\tupdateTag: function updateTag(tag) {\n\t\t\t\tvar self = this;\n\t\t\t\tvar articlesController = this.controllerFor('articles');\n\n\t\t\t\tif (!!!tag) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.store.createRecord('tag');\n\t\t\t\t} else if (!!!tag.get('text')) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.trigger('systemMessage', 'Tag name is required.');\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tswitch (tag.currentState.stateName) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 'root.loaded.created.uncommitted':\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 'root.loaded.updated.uncommitted':\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttag.save();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttag.save();\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\n\t\t\toldUpdateTag: function oldUpdateTag(id, name) {\n\t\t\t\tvar self = this;\n\t\t\t\tvar articlesController = this.controllerFor('articles');\n\n\t\t\t\tif (!!!id && !!!name) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.store.createRecord('tag');\n\t\t\t\t} else if (!!!id && !!name) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.store.filter('tag', { text: name }, function (tag) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttag.save();\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.store.findRecord('tag', id).then(function (tag) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttag.set('text', name);\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttag.save().then(function (tag) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tself.store.findAll(\"tag\").then(function (tags) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tarticlesController.set(\"tagList\", tags);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t\t\t_ember[\"default\"].Logger.info(\"New name: \" + name);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\n\t\t\tdisplaySystemMessage: (function (message) {\n\t\t\t\tvar controller = this.controllerFor(\"articles\");\n\t\t\t\tcontroller.displaySystemMessage(message);\n\t\t\t}).on('displaySystemMessage')\n\t\t}\n\t});\n});","define(\"life-light-web/routes/associates\", [\"exports\", \"ember\"], function (exports, _ember) {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _ember[\"default\"].Route.extend({\n\t\tmodel: function model() {\n\t\t\treturn this.store.findAll(\"associate\");\n\t\t}\n\t});\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/credentials', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend({});\n});","define(\"life-light-web/routes/edit\", [\"exports\", \"ember\"], function (exports, _ember) {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _ember[\"default\"].Route.extend({\n\t\tmodel: function model() {\n\t\t\treturn this.modelFor(\"periodical\");\n\t\t},\n\t\trenderTemplate: function renderTemplate() {\n\t\t\tthis.render(\"services\");\n\t\t}\n\t});\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/energy', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend({});\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/home', ['exports', 'ember', 'life-light-web/config/environment'], function (exports, _ember, _lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment) {\n\texports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend({\n\t\tsetupController: function setupController(controller /*, model*/) {\n\t\t\tcontroller.send(\"loadLatestViewedArticle\");\n\n\t\t\t_ember['default'].$.getJSON(_lifeLightWebConfigEnvironment['default'].APP.API_HOST + '/api/articles/getLength', {}, function (data) {\n\t\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"articleCount\", data);\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\tthis.store.findAll(\"article\").then(function (items) {\n\t\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"latestArticle\", items.get(\"lastObject\"));\n\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\tthis.store.findAll(\"userview\").then(function (views) {\n\t\t\t\tviews.forEach(function (view) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar key = view.get(\"key\");\n\t\t\t\t\tif (key) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcontroller.set(key, view.get(\"value\"));\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/login', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/unauthenticated-route-mixin'], function (exports, _ember, _emberSimpleAuthMixinsUnauthenticatedRouteMixin) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend({\n actions: {\n authenticateWithFacebookOpen: function authenticateWithFacebookOpen() {\n var controller = this.controllerFor('periodicals');\n // The provider name is passed to `open`\n this.get('torii').open('facebook-connect').then(function (authorization) {\n // FB.api is now available. authorization contains the UID and\n // accessToken.\n controller.set('hasFacebook', true);\n });\n }\n }\n });\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/login2', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend({});\n});","define(\"life-light-web/routes/page-not-found\", [\"exports\", \"ember\"], function (exports, _ember) {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _ember[\"default\"].Route.extend({\n\t\tsetupController: function setupController(controller, model) {\n\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"model\", model);\n\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"pageName\", window.location.href);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/pressurepoint', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend({});\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/services', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend({});\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/sitemap', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend({});\n});","define(\"life-light-web/routes/testimonials\", [\"exports\", \"ember\"], function (exports, _ember) {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _ember[\"default\"].Route.extend({\n\t\tmodel: function model() {\n\t\t\treturn this.store.findAll(\"testimonial\") /*.shuffle()*/;\n\t\t},\n\n\t\tsetupController: function setupController(controller, model) {\n\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"model\", model);\n\t\t\tcontroller.set(\"isInputtingNew\", false);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n});","define('life-light-web/routes/workshop', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {\n exports['default'] = _ember['default'].Route.extend({});\n});","define('life-light-web/serializers/application', ['exports', 'ember-web-api/serializers/web-api'], function (exports, _emberWebApiSerializersWebApi) {\n exports['default'] = _emberWebApiSerializersWebApi['default'].extend({});\n});","define('life-light-web/services/resize', ['exports', 'ember-resize/services/resize'], function (exports, _emberResizeServicesResize) {\n Object.defineProperty(exports, 'default', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return _emberResizeServicesResize['default'];\n }\n });\n});","define(\"life-light-web/services/search-manager\", [\"exports\", \"ember\"], function (exports, _ember) {\n\texports[\"default\"] = _ember[\"default\"].Service.extend({\n\t\tsearchTerm: undefined,\n\n\t\tsearchTermObserver: function searchTermObserver() {\n\t\t\t_ember[\"default\"].Logger.info(\"New searchTerm: %@\".fmt(this.get(\"searchTerm\")));\n\t\t},\n\n\t\ttestSearchTerm: function testSearchTerm() {\n\t\t\tthis.set(\"searchTerm\", \"panties\");\n\t\t}\n\t});\n});","define('life-light-web/services/session', ['exports', 'ember-simple-auth/services/session'], function (exports, _emberSimpleAuthServicesSession) {\n exports['default'] = _emberSimpleAuthServicesSession['default'];\n});","define('life-light-web/session-stores/application', ['exports', 'ember-simple-auth/session-stores/adaptive'], function (exports, _emberSimpleAuthSessionStoresAdaptive) {\n exports['default'] = _emberSimpleAuthSessionStoresAdaptive['default'].extend();\n});","define(\"life-light-web/templates/application - Copy\", [\"exports\"], function (exports) {\n exports[\"default\"] = Ember.HTMLBars.template((function () {\n var child0 = (function () {\n return {\n meta: {\n \"fragmentReason\": false,\n \"revision\": \"Ember@2.2.0\",\n \"loc\": {\n \"source\": 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[]\n };\n })();\n var child1 = (function () {\n return {\n meta: {\n \"fragmentReason\": false,\n \"revision\": \"Ember@2.2.0\",\n \"loc\": {\n \"source\": null,\n \"start\": {\n \"line\": 66,\n \"column\": 8\n },\n \"end\": {\n \"line\": 70,\n \"column\": 9\n }\n },\n \"moduleName\": \"life-light-web/templates/components/article-editor.hbs\"\n },\n isEmpty: false,\n arity: 1,\n cachedFragment: null,\n hasRendered: false,\n buildFragment: function buildFragment(dom) {\n var el0 = dom.createDocumentFragment();\n var el1 = dom.createTextNode(\"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\");\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createElement(\"option\");\n var el2 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createComment(\"\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\");\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n return el0;\n },\n buildRenderNodes: function buildRenderNodes(dom, fragment, contextualElement) {\n var element3 = dom.childAt(fragment, [1]);\n var morphs = new Array(3);\n morphs[0] = dom.createAttrMorph(element3, 'value');\n morphs[1] = dom.createAttrMorph(element3, 'selected');\n morphs[2] = dom.createMorphAt(element3, 1, 1);\n return morphs;\n },\n statements: [[\"attribute\", \"value\", [\"concat\", [[\"get\", \"item.value\", [\"loc\", [null, [67, 26], [67, 36]]]]]]], [\"attribute\", \"selected\", [\"subexpr\", \"isequal\", [[\"get\", \"item.value\", [\"loc\", [null, [67, 59], [67, 69]]]], [\"get\", \"model.subType\", [\"loc\", [null, [67, 70], [67, 83]]]]], [], [\"loc\", [null, [67, 49], [67, 85]]]]], [\"content\", \"item.text\", [\"loc\", [null, [68, 10], [68, 23]]]]],\n locals: [\"item\"],\n templates: []\n };\n })();\n var child2 = (function () {\n return {\n meta: {\n \"fragmentReason\": false,\n \"revision\": \"Ember@2.2.0\",\n \"loc\": {\n \"source\": null,\n \"start\": {\n 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I hold these wisdoms as holistic healing tools and community builders.\\n\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\\n\");\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createComment(\"\");\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\\n\");\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createElement(\"p\");\n var el2 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\t\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createElement(\"a\");\n dom.setAttribute(el2, \"href\", \"http://massagetherapy.az.gov/\");\n dom.setAttribute(el2, \"target\", \"_blank\");\n var el3 = dom.createTextNode(\"Licensed Massage Therapist\");\n dom.appendChild(el2, el3);\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createElement(\"br\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\tArizona; 1991—present; License# MT02952P New Hampshire; 2012—present\\n\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\");\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createElement(\"p\");\n var el2 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\t\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createElement(\"a\");\n dom.setAttribute(el2, \"href\", \"http://rosalynlbruyere.org/\");\n dom.setAttribute(el2, \"target\", \"_blank\");\n var el3 = dom.createTextNode(\"Bachelor of Natural Theology in Sacred Healing\");\n dom.appendChild(el2, el3);\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createElement(\"br\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\tHealing Light Center Church (1991—2007)\\n\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\");\n dom.appendChild(el0, el1);\n var el1 = dom.createElement(\"p\");\n var el2 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\t\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createElement(\"a\");\n dom.setAttribute(el2, \"href\", \"http://rosalynlbruyere.org/\");\n dom.setAttribute(el2, \"target\", \"_blank\");\n var el3 = dom.createTextNode(\"Ordained Minister of Healing\");\n dom.appendChild(el2, el3);\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createElement(\"br\");\n dom.appendChild(el1, el2);\n var el2 = dom.createTextNode(\"\\n\tAt Easter in 2007, I became an Ordained Minister of Healing with the Healing Light Center Church founded by Rev. 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